15 most shocking images of a devastating earthquake in Croatia (PHOTO)


Buildings demolished or damaged, horrible sounds of emergency sirens, screams and cries of people who were left without their loved ones, and some without their homes, and people terrified in the streets and parks: this is what the places of Croatia affected by a terrible earthquake of magnitude 6.3 Richter.

At least seven people were killed in the earthquake that struck Petrinja at 12:19 p.m. The first and youngest victim is a 12-year-old girl. A father and a 20-year-old son were killed in Majske Poljane. The earthquake was felt throughout Croatia, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Austria.

The emergency services, but also the citizens, worked all day and all night cleaning up the ruins and searching for the survivors. Dozens of buildings were totally or partially demolished and the churches were not saved either.

Even today, the people of Croatia could not rest from the earthquake.

More than 20 earthquakes and earthquakes have been recorded in Croatia since midnight, according to data from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). The strongest earthquakes were 4.8 and 4.7 degrees, and were recorded at 5.15 and 5.26 hours.

Petrinja Mayor Darinko Dumbović said this morning that last night was a sleepless night for Sisak and Banija and that there is great pressure for the future and existence. – We must be collected and displaced from dangerous objects. We run out of many people in the county. It’s scary – said Dumbović, who called from the park, because he no longer has his office.

Seismologists say that yesterday’s earthquake was about 60 times stronger than Monday’s, but also about 30 times stronger than the earthquake that struck Zagreb on March 22 of this year.

The spooky scenes are immortalized in the photos, and you can see the most moving ones in our gallery.
