126 children were infected in kindergartens, 2,321 in primary schools and 2,151 in secondary schools


The Minister of Education, Branko Ružić, declared tonight that 126 children in preschool institutions, 2,321 students in primary schools and 2,151 high school students were infected with the corona virus in Serbia.

During a guest appearance on the Serbian Radio Television (RTS) program “Questionnaire”, Ruzic stated that 1,357 employees were infected in preschool institutions, 2,882 in primary schools and 1,164 workers in secondary schools.

“There is no reason to panic and provoke psychosis by saying that tens of thousands of students and employees are infected,” Ruzic emphasized.

Speaking about the transition to online classes, Ruzic said the transition was “pretty good.”

The epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović stated that it takes 10-15 days of constant application of the prescribed measures to stabilize the epidemiological situation.


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