12 buildings are being demolished for this purpose, the locals reached a compensation agreement


The construction of the “Milos Veliki” highway is urgent and, according to the announcements, the deadline for its completion is at the end of this year. Along this part of the corridor, there were twelve buildings in the village of Trbusani near Cacak, owned by six families, which will have to be demolished.

– These are six households in which each has one or more housing units. In addition, ancillary facilities, stables, porches and even a chicken farm will have to be demolished, says Milan Pavlović, president of MZ Trbušani, whose home will also be moved and demolished.

Residents of the village of Trbusani reached an agreement with representatives of “Belgrade Roads” to obtain compensation. Pavlović points out that they have all largely agreed with the state, but with certain clauses that they can request their additional claims in court, which will not affect the postponement of the start of works on that section of the road.

Milos Veliki, Cacak, Preljina, Pozega road, demolition, construction
photo: RINA

– Of the six families that will be evicted, two will seek additional assessments in the courts, but the truth is that we are all evicting and that these additional requests will not affect the start of work. It is clear that it is difficult for everyone because it is about our ancestry, but on the other hand, it is about a higher state interest. My home consists of two houses, two ancillary facilities with 28 acres of land, I’m sorry, but I am aware that the car is something very important – says Pavlović.

His neighbor Dragisa Pavlovic has already removed the roof of the house, cleaned the patio and is preparing the furniture for the move.

– We will use the tile, as well as all the furniture in the house. We are donating the barn and the sheep to the monastery, and we have already bought a plot in the center of the village where we are starting to build a house – said Dragiša.

Milos Veliki, Cacak, Preljina, Pozega road, demolition, construction
photo: RINA

When asked if he was satisfied with the agreement with the state, he said that at first it was both yes and no, but then they accepted some objections, so they reached an agreement that the state has already respected.

So far, four of the six families have paid for the relocation of homes and the demolition of buildings, while two have yet to sign. Everyone has a deadline to move in in early April.

By the way, the works have already started on that part of the route, and the excavation has already approached the first houses.


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Author: delivery courier
