107 new infected, more than half of Belgrade. Two died, 20 people on respirators


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA: 107 new infected, more than half of Belgrade!  Two died, 20 people on respirators

Photo: Printscreen, Shutterstock

BELGRADE – In the last 24 hours, 4,751 citizens were tested for the crown in Serbia, 107 tested positive and two died. There are 20 patients on respirators.

Of the total number, 107 newly infected, in the last 24 hours, up to 55 people (more than half the total number) are from Belgrade. The next city in terms of number of infected is Novi Sad with 5, in Bujanovac we have 3 new infected, while in all other cities and municipalities the number of new infected in the last 24 hours does not exceed two, according to the Staff of Crisis.

photo: Print screen

Such figures warn that it is very important that the citizens of Belgrade respect the maximum protection measures, especially when it comes to wearing masks on public transport, in shops, shopping centers, in all enclosed spaces. These are measures that have led to a favorable epidemiological situation, which, however, can be easily altered, if we yield to their respect.

That is why the Crisis Team calls on all citizens of Belgrade to be responsible, to adhere to protective measures and to take care of themselves and others, because any relaxation can lead to a significant worsening of the epidemiological situation. .


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Author: delivery courier
