100,000 euros undeclared with passengers found at Belgrade airport


The customs administration announced that customs officials at the Belgrade airport and the Gradina border crossing prevented a smuggling attempt of around 100,000 euros.

The rape at Belgrade airport was discovered when a man who arrived on a flight from Zurich was detained at a green checkpoint, intended for those who have nothing to report.

When asked by the customs official if he had anything to report, the passenger said that he was only carrying personal luggage, and when asked about the cash he was carrying, he said he had between 50,000 and 100,000 euros.

100,000 euros were found in his laptop bag and 200 euros in denominations.

When asked why he did not report such a large amount of foreign currency, he replied that he did not because he saw that a tape was placed in the red control passage, so he thought the channel was closed.

Since the permitted amount of 10,000 euros was returned to the passenger, 90,000 euros were maintained with the registration of the offense committed until the end of the judicial procedure.

A Turkish citizen was arrested at the Gradina crossing, who hid 11,000 euros in a sock that was found in a cloth belt around his waist.

Previously, he showed the customs official a wallet in which he had about 6,000 euros, as much as reported during the exit control, is added in the Customs announcement.
