“100 STUDENTS IN THE SAME ROOM, PROBABLY INFECTION” A law on possible new measures if there is an “explosion of joy and glory”


– We had a critical situation with an exam. There were 100 of them in the room. 100 students in a test and we know the limits. We have information that there was probably an infection in that place – Dr. Kon said this morning.

In addition to joy, secondary schools are a problem for spread of the coronavirus, attended by about 300,000 students. Younger children abstain, older children are weaker, writes “Telegraf.”

Speaking on TV Pink, he said the realistic expectation that there will be new measures in cold weather depends on where and if the number of new patients will increase.

– We have not defined what will happen if there is an explosion of joy and glory. We ask people to understand that we are entering the season when it is dangerous. It is very important in October, especially for health workers, who must be aware that they can be in Kovid hospitals again, to do everything possible so that July does not happen again. Time has not stood still, celebrations and holidays are approaching, and the virus does not go away – he said.

He added that in Slovenia they are only now introducing what we already are.

– Until 10 years ago, we did not have a law on emergency situations, and now it exists. Crisis personnel calm down and offer solutions, but the law works everywhere except in the case of a pandemic. Without a state of emergency, no self-isolation control can be provided, he said.

Trump’s vaccination plans are unrealistic

Trump announced 100 million vaccines, but Dr. Cohn says that’s not realistic.

– It would only be that absolutely everyone wants to receive it and that they are available immediately. This is implemented serially, it cannot be done all at once. It is also technically reducible. It is a large country, one could imagine that it is possible, but only if everything turned out as Trump envisioned. The first and most important is that the vaccine is safe, effective and efficient – he concluded.

VIDEO: Law on the introduction of quarantine for citizens returning from Montenegro
