1.7 MILLION INFECTED PEOPLE IN SERBIA Dr. Tiodorović on Predrag Kon’s thesis, the use of masks in the open air, celebrations and the introduction of a state of emergency


Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Branislav Tiodorović agreed with Predragm Kon that the infection rate of the population in Serbia is between 15 and 20 percent. This means that 1.7 million people have been in contact with the virus, although detailed studies by the Belgrade Medical School have yet to confirm this. Most of them reacted quickly immune and did not show any symptoms, but they were still carriers of the disease.

Dr Tiodorović recalled that citizens can expect better days only when herd immunity is acquired, and it will not be there before vaccination or widespread infection, which carries its own risks.

– I agree with my colleague, although he most likely had data from Belgrade. I think that this figure, that is, the percentage, is close to reality, because we had many more of those who had a clearer or asymptomatic picture, especially when it comes to young people. And then the body can fight more easily and create some kind of immunity. When you look at various serious scientific journals and studies, you have various interpretations, from the fact that there are many more of those who have acquired immunity, and there are those who say, you see, some have no immunity at all. Someone can get infected and get sick again, but that is a rare and small situation, Tiodorović told “Kurir”.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

He added that there is currently no need to introduce a state of emergency in Serbia, although the number of patients is gradually increasing.

– We must be aware that we cannot put all of Serbia in the same context, all local environments must be strictly controlled. When you make decisions, you make them based on data, but you make them based on behavior, discipline, respect for measures, the organization of the health system, how everything works, and it depends on whether something called an emergency should be introduced. It is enough that the Minister declares an emergency situation, and the state of emergency is something much more serious, it must allow decisions to be made to close schools, theaters, curfews, to restrict the movement of people. And now it is not necessary. Why would we implement, for example, rigorous measures in Pirot ?, explained Prokuplje, Sombor – Tiodorović.

However, he says that “the most serious things” will have to register in Belgrade.

It is a city of two million inhabitants, much more is mixed. When I talk about Belgrade, I talk about how we behave on GSP, on rafts, at parties … We need more extensive and comprehensive evidence, which means we have to include contacts. The most risky are the faculties and schools, and if the number begins to grow, we should think not about closing, but about online teaching – he emphasized.

The schools are well organized, there is a clear procedure, but the students are much more difficult to control, that is why Tiodorovic appeals to the university professors so that the July situation does not happen again.

– What is also important is how we behave in city traffic and in those communications in general, I think it has improved in recent days, according to the information I receive for Belgrade, so it is in Nis and Novi Sad. .. In smaller places it is easier to follow, but there are not enough members of the inspection, the communal police.

According to him, the problem is the large groups in which there is a greater risk than in the smaller ones, where the implementation of the measures can be more easily controlled.

– It is more difficult to track in large teams. Whoever organizes the work of the collective is responsible if an infection breaks out. That is why it is important that the owner, the employer, the one who runs the business, from the boss to the director, makes sure that workers work safely in their companies. I call on the labor inspectorate to strengthen control of working conditions, because it is responsible for labor organizations. She evaluates the working conditions and I think they do.

Celebrate in a family atmosphere

– Glory must be celebrated, there is no dilemma. We are recognized in the world for our fame, but I think it should be celebrated in a house or an apartment, in a family atmosphere, not in cafes and restaurants. To provide enough space for guests, hand disinfection, we must understand that it is necessary, we must avoid kissing. Masks at a sufficient distance are not necessary even at celebrations, and if you have a lot of guests, share them over several days. When cutting the cake, everything must be done to avoid contact, to avoid kisses, we must understand that it is necessary.

Wearing a mask outdoors

If you ask me if a mask should be worn outdoors, I’ll say no, except sometime. If there are no distances and people condense below five feet, a mask is needed. For now, the crisis headquarters is not thinking about the mandatory use of masks outside, we are still better than our immediate surroundings. The merit of being better than the countries of the region and beyond is the discipline of our population.

The question of what we will do next is very important, now that we are surrounded by countries where the crown has exploded. It is obvious that there is “material fatigue” of the population. We have entered the eighth month of the epidemic in our country and it lasts too long, it tires people. That’s why I was one of the first to say, let’s give people a little culture and sport.

Ramp countries in the region

We cannot lower the barrier to neighboring countries now, because any pandemic or epidemic is not exclusively a medical and health problem, but also an economic and social, and psychological and political problem. If you close the borders to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia now, we did it consciously, we lowered it because of the economy, and without the economy there is no strengthening of the health system and strengthening of health. But you cannot tell our people who live in those countries, Serbs can come and others cannot, that would be discrimination. But we have to open four eyes and continue to try to continue.

This pandemic has also created science for some to behave as in reality. Also in science there is a need for people to express themselves and for everything that is not always based on real and scientifically probable data. Regarding transmission, we are now aware that it is not only by droplets, but also by air.

It doesn’t matter whose vaccine it is, but which one is the safest and has no side effects.

If the vaccine arrives, even ideally, before the end of the year, we will have to follow the priorities. Elderly, chronically ill. Children do not, because it is considered that children up to 10 years old have not developed that AC2 receptor for the covid virus. There are always exceptions, but in principle, children under the age of 10 do not have the receptor developed to accept the virus that enters through the respiratory organs to reach the lungs and cause a fracture. But it should be noted that this virus also causes other systemic diseases, in the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and it is not just a respiratory virus. That is why the Croats made the decision that children in the first four grades should not wear masks, and we continue to wear masks.

Epidemiologists were in favor of continuing the school year in March, but this was not done for fear of parents.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
