021: Delayed citizens receive quarantine decisions


Some citizens of Novi Sad received decisions about the home quarantine measure from the health inspection after seven or even 10 days after they went into isolation, writes the portal 021.rs.

In state agencies for 021.rs He confirmed that there are delays in the delivery of solutions, but that this should not be a problem for citizens because they still arrive within 14 days of being in isolation, and these papers, as they say, are necessary only after coming out of quarantine. to regulate sick leave, ie. Absence from work

According to the citizens, they have been in isolation since November 21 or 23, after one of the household members contracted the corona virus, and the solutions were delivered by the postman on Monday, November 30 or today 1 from December. which is seven or 10 days after entering quarantine.

The Provincial Secretariat of Health, that is, the Sanitary Inspection, informed 021.rs that the stagnation is due to a large number of solutions a day, which are being drafted and sent these days.

As they say, the procedure is such that the list of people who must go to quarantine is drawn up by the Vojvodina Public Health Institute and forwards it to the health inspection, after which the inspector issues a decision and mails it to a personal delivery address. it all takes several days from the moment a family member is discovered to be infected.

For 021.rs, they say that citizens should not worry that they will be punished if they do not have this solution immediately, but also that without this written solution they are obliged to be in home quarantine for 14 days based on the Law of Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases. as they were recorded as the contact of an infected person and if it turns out that they are not isolated they face a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars.

The secretariat says that it is important that the solution arrives within 14 days, so that citizens can regulate their absence from work with the employer after leaving quarantine with that document.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
