Zema prepares announcement of ‘purple wave’, the most rigid phase of Conscious Mines – Gerais


The new coronavirus pandemic continues to victimize people in Minas Gerais (photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA Press)
The new coronavirus pandemic continues to victimize people in Minas Gerais (photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA Press)

The Government of Minas Gerais must launch, this Wednesday afternoon (3/3), a more rigorous phase of the “Conscious Mines – resuming the economy in the right way” program – a project created in April 2020 to coordinate the operation of the economic activities and social conditions in the municipalities of Minas Gerais during the pandemic.

The information was transmitted to State of Minas by at least three mayors who attended a meeting with the governor this morning. The State Department of Health (SES-MG) has not yet confirmed the news.

The “purple wave”, the name given to the new stage of the program, would be the most restrictive. According to the mayors, the idea is that membership is optional. More details about the measure will be announced at 3:30 pm in a press conference given by Zema and the Secretary of State for Health, Carlos Eduardo Amaral.

“What the governor told us and what he must announce, I imagine, is that now the state has created a new criterion, which would be the purple wave. And some regions will have the purple wave. He did not say that it will be the Northern Triangle, but he he knows that, due to the indices and data we have today, it is one of the most serious regions of Minas Gerais ”, said Renato de Carvalho (Republicans), mayor of Araguari, in the Mineiro Triangle.

Until then, Conscious Mines was made up of three “waves”: red, when only services considered essential can function; yellow, which includes low-risk non-essential services; and green, which includes the release of activities with a high risk of contagion. The program has already been remodeled once, in July of last year.

The update of the initiative comes after the advance of the pandemic in the state, especially in the interior. On Wednesday, Minas registered the second highest number of deaths in 24 hours, with 227 victims. The highest rate was recorded less than a month ago, on February 10, when the new coronavirus claimed 243 victims in a single day.

Vaccination continues at a slow pace. In total, 635,176 people were vaccinated against the disease and 274,501 received the second dose of the immunizer. The National Immunization Plan (PNI) provides for the protection of at least 10 million miners. That is to say: half of the population.
