University projects 100,000 deaths from Covid-19 in Brazil only in April | Coronavirus


Manaus Public Cemetery, Nossa Senhora Aparecida, located in the Tarumã neighborhood
Photo: Bruno Kelly / Amazônia Real

Manaus Public Cemetery, Nossa Senhora Aparecida, located in the Tarumã neighborhood

The Institute of Health Metrics and Assessment, University of Washington, USA, Designs one hundred thousand deaths
by Covid-19 in Brazil only in the month of April. The study takes into account the data published by the health authorities.

According to the survey, death peak
in Brazil it will take place on April 24, when the country will have approximately 4 thousand deaths in 24 hours. According to the survey, the country will reach the mark of 562,800 deaths from Covid-19 on July 1 of this year.

March was the month with the most Brazilian lives lost
for Covid-19. Until then, July 2020 accounted for the highest number of deaths in the history of the pandemic in the country, with 32,912 deaths. The 62,918 deaths recorded in March are almost double the previous record.

According to epidemiologist and professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) Ethel Maciel, if the current pace is maintained, Brazil could surpass the United States in absolute numbers of deaths in August.

Last swing

On Friday (2), Brazil registered 2,922 deaths from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, reaching a total of 328,206 accumulated deaths. The moving average of deaths exceeded 3,000 for the second time and reached 3,013, according to data provided by the National Council of Health Secretaries (Conass).

In confirmed cases, since the start of the pandemic, 12,910,082 Brazilians have already had or have the new coronavirus, of which 70,238 were confirmed on the last day. The moving average for the past seven days was 72,238.
