The reduction of hours of work and wages and the suspension of employment contracts preserved more than 7 million jobs. The temporary measure was taken due to the new coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic and mainly helped small businesses.
The information was published on Tuesday (12) by the Special Secretariat for Social Security and Labor of the Ministry of Economy.
The agency predicts that the program will preserve up to 8.5 million jobs nationwide and will cost R $ 51.2 billion in the next three months.
Reduced hours and wages
According to published data, there were agreements to reduce or suspend 7,206,915 employment contracts. And the amounts that the federal government must pay as an income supplement amount to R $ 12.73 billion.
The figures refer to 14:00 today. According to the Ministry of Economy, 569,000 employers joined the program, mostly small companies.
Statistics available on the website created by the ministry to disseminate information about the program indicate that:
- 52% of the agreements (3,757,862) refer to micro and small business workers, who earn up to R $ 4.8 million per year.
- Medium and large companies, with incomes above this amount, represent 44% of the agreements (3,143,775).
- Domestic workers and intermittent workers represent 4% of the agreements (305,278).
Contract suspension agreements represent 54.9% of the total, which is equivalent to 3,956,915 jobs.
With respect to cases of reduction of working hours, 17.2% of the agreements (1,239,084) establish a 50% reduction in wages with the receipt of 50% unemployment insurance. And 13.4% of the agreements (964,073) were closed to reduce wages by 25% with the incorporation of 25% unemployment insurance.
A total of 12.2% (879,774) of the agreements foresee a 70% reduction in wages with the payment of 70% unemployment insurance.
The cases of intermittent workers, who receive R $ 600 for three months when the contract is “inactive”, correspond to 2.3%, equivalent to 167,069 employees.
São Paulo leads the requests for emergency benefits among the states: they were (33.3%). In second place is Rio de Janeiro (10.1%), followed by Minas Gerais (9.5%), Rio Grande do Sul (5.6%) and Paraná (5.4%).
About BEm aid
The Emergency Benefit for Employment and Income Preservation is intended for workers who, due to the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, fall into one of the following situations:
1. Reduction of working hours and wages;
2. Temporary suspension of the employment contract.
The emergency benefit also covers part-time or intermittent employees, domestic employees, and apprentices. The reduction in the working day and the employee’s salary can be 25%, 50% or 70%, with a maximum term of 90 days.
The suspension of labor contracts has a maximum term of 60 days. This benefit will be paid regardless of the fulfillment of the acquisition period, the duration of employment or the amount of wages received.
The employee must inform his employer in which bank account of his property he wishes to receive the Emergency Employment and Income Preservation Benefit.
How to receive the emergency benefit?
Payment will be made by credit to an existing savings account in the employee’s name or a Digital Social Account, automatically opened by CAIXA, when:
- the account was not informed at the time of accession;
- there is an impediment to credit the indicated account;
- There are errors in the reported account data.
The movement of the CAIXA social savings account can be carried out using the CAIXA Tem application, available for download in Android and IOS stores. The benefit cannot be deposited on behalf of third parties.
Benefit Amount
The amount of the Emergency Benefit corresponds to a percentage of the Unemployment Insurance to which the worker would be entitled in the event of dismissal, which varies from R $ 261.25 to R $ 1,813.03, according to the agreed reduction percentage.
The suspension of the employment contract provides for the payment of 100% of the amount of unemployment insurance.
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The intermittent worker will have an emergency benefit with a fixed amount of R $ 600.00.
Ask questions about the benefit
I had my workday and my salary reduced. What should I do?
You should inform your employer in the bank account that you own that you want to receive the Employment and Income Preservation Emergency Benefit and expect them to notify the Ministry of Economy about the agreement.
I had my employment contract suspended. What should I do?
You should inform your employer in the bank account that you own that you want to receive the Employment and Income Preservation Emergency Benefit and expect them to notify the Ministry of Economy about the agreement.
Is it possible to receive the BEm in the account of a relative or acquaintance?
No. The worker must provide the employer with their own bank account, either current or savings, since the benefit cannot be deposited on behalf of third parties. If the worker does not report an account, or if there are errors in the account reported by the employer, the benefit will be deposited in a digital account opened by the Ministry of Economy on behalf of the worker in CAIXA.
What happens if the employer, for some reason, does not inform the Ministry of Economy within the term of the signed agreement?
The employer will be responsible for paying compensation prior to the reduction or suspension until the information is provided.
How can I track the benefit payment?
The Ministry of Economy makes information available through the Service Portal or the “Digital Work Portfolio” Application.
Is there a grace period to qualify for BEm?
No. The benefit will be paid regardless of the fulfillment of any award period, the duration of employment and the amount of wages received.
During the period of suspension of the employment contract, who pays my salary?
For companies with incomes below R $ 4.8 million, the Federal Government will pay the equivalent of 100% of the amount of unemployment insurance to which the employee would be entitled. For companies with incomes above R $ 4.8 million, the employer will pay 30% of the employee’s salary as compensatory aid and the Union will pay the equivalent of 70% of the amount of unemployment insurance to which the employee would be entitled.
I have more than one job. Am I entitled to receive the amount for more than one BEm?
Yes. An employee with more than one formal job may cumulatively receive a benefit for each job with reduced wages or suspension.
What are the indirect benefits I receive, like health insurance and food vouchers?
These benefits that the employee receives must be maintained.
How is the Social Security payment in case of temporary suspension of the contract?
During the suspension, the employee can contribute as an optional policy holder.
Will compensatory aid paid by the employer count as a salary?
No. The aid will be of a compensation nature and will not serve as a basis for calculating IR, FGTS and INSS.
Will all employees have stability during the term of this MP?
No. Only employees with reduced working hours and wages or the suspension of the employment contract will be entitled to provisional stability.
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