The salary of public servants comes into focus to pay for emergency aid 2021


Key points

  • Find out how you can pay for the new emergency aid;
  • The Federative Pact deals with labor rights, the salaries of public servants and more;
  • Learn the details of the new emergency aid.

The arrival of new names in the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate accelerated the creation of a new emergency aid for the poorest population, directly affected by the new coronavirus crisis. One of the problems, however, is how to finance the new benefit, which may use the salary of public servants.

The salary of public servants comes into focus to pay for emergency aid 2021
The salaries of civil servants are earmarked for emergency aid 2021 (Image: Playback / Google)

The presidents of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), and the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG), and the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, decided to vote on a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) that authorizes the cutting costs by reducing wages and hours of service.

For the government to make decisions such as the creation of the new emergency aid. The PEC is called the Federative Pact.

According to the O Globo portal, a calamity clause must be inserted in the proposal for the benefit payment to be authorized.

Among the determinations of the PEC, which will be voted on and possible approval, it would be established that the Union, the States and the municipalities cannot, in the event of a fiscal emergency (such as the pandemic), make adjustments to hold contests and promote their employees .

What mandatory spending would no longer be readjusted for inflation, in front of the same stage. That is, only the benefits of social security and the BPC would increase according to the price increase.

It would also be possible to carry out the contingency of state and municipal resources, as is the case of the federal government, to use emergency aid as a counterpart. Thus, there would be one year to readjust the accounts of the federal, state and municipal government.

PEC also talks about the inclusion of expenses with pensioners in the limit of personnel expenses and a law that would define the indicators, levels of indebtedness and trajectory of debt convergence.

The salary of public servants comes into focus to pay for emergency aid 2021
The salary of public servants comes into focus to pay emergency aid 2021 (Image: Playback / google)

It would also be defined that municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and an own collection of less than 10% of total revenues would be incorporated into neighboring municipalities, with restrictions on the creation of new municipalities in this period.

In the case of health and education budgets, they would be released only in terms exceeding one year. Consequently, the Pluriannual Plan (PPA) would expire.

The values ​​of health and education, which are currently divided into 15% and 25%, respectively, would be unified at 40%. It would be up to the states and municipalities to define a new division according to need.

“Public income would not be linked to agencies, funds or expenses, with the exception of fees, donations, state and municipal participation funds and constitutional binding,” details O Globo.

Meet the new emergency aid

The new emergency aid spoken by Lira, Pacheco and Guedes is based on the old one, offered by the federal government in 2020, during the first months of the crisis caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.

One of the differences refers to the public that can receive the fees, which would be more restricted. THE the fees would also change from R $ 300 to R $ 200. Single women heads of households would not receive double the amount they received last year.

The payment schedule would continue to be defined by the Ministry of Citizenship, but will not be disclosed yet. The form of payment would also be the same: by Caixa Tem application, which is the responsibility of Caixa Econômica Federal.

The application is available for free on Android and iOS operating systems and also serves to pay benefits such as Bolsa Família and DPVAT insurance.

To use it, you must use the Individual Taxpayer Number (CPF) and create a six-digit numeric password. This cannot, in any case, be shared with third parties and strangers, in order to avoid possible fraud in which the value of the benefits could be unduly withdrawn, for example. The password is personal, individual and restricted.

Although there is ample information on the new emergency aid, which should be granted for three or four months, their creation has not yet been made official.

Isabela VeríssimoIsabela Veríssimo

Isabela Veríssimo is a journalist graduated from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) who has worked in newsrooms since 2016, such as Diario de Pernambuco, Jornal do Commercio and Rede Globo. He is currently engaged in the economy of the FDR portal.
