The map above classifies Porto Alegre and 11 other regions as a red flag


This Friday, the government of Rio Grande do Sul classified 12 regions as a red flag on the preliminary map of the 18th round of Controlled Distance. Porto Alegre, which this week had passed the orange flag, was once again classified as a high-risk site for coronavirus contamination in this new assessment by the state government.

In addition to the state capital, Capão da Canoa, Taquara, Novo Hamburgo, Canoas, Guaíba, Palmeira das Missões, Erechim, Santa Cruz do Sul, Lajeado, Santo Ângelo and Cruz Alta were preliminarily classified with the red flag.

The regions of Santa María, Uruguaiana, Erechim, Bagé, Caxias do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, Passo Fundo, Ijuí and Santa Rosa had the orange flag in this round.

Municipalities and regional associations can submit reconsideration requests until 6:00 am on Sunday, which will be analyzed so that the final flags are launched on Monday.

Until the launch of the results of the round, 16 regions had joined the co-management, in which they can adopt protocols less restrictive to the flag in which they are classified, but at least equal to the previous flag: Capão da Canoa, Taquara , Novo Hamburgo, Canoas, Porto Alegre, Santo Ângelo, Cruz Alta, Ijuí, Santa Rosa, Palmeira das Missões, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Caxias do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul and Lajeado. Erechim’s request for co-management is still pending.

Rio Grande do Sul reached 3,650 deaths from Covid-19 this Friday, according to the State Secretary of Health (SES). The update of the state surveillance system still amounted to just over 137.2 thousand infected people spread over 98% of the state territory. Only ten cities in Rio Grande do Sul do not have, so far, records of people infected and killed by the virus.


The preliminary map expanded the number of regions with a high-risk classification due to the increase in the number of new admissions confirmed by Covid-19. This indicator, in particular, reached a black flag in some regions. This is the case in the areas of Lajeado, Santa Cruz do Sul, Palmeira das Missões, Taquara and Capão da Canoa, some of them also deteriorating in the indicator that measures the proportion of cases of the disease for each group of 100,000 inhabitants.

The regions of Porto Alegre, Guaíba, Canoas and Novo Hamburgo appear again with the red flag, since the Metropolitan macro-region had a reduction in the number of free ICU beds last week. The full survey of the 18th round of controlled distancing can be accessed on this link.
