The distribution of vaccines against covid-19 in AM and DF is investigated


The MPF (Federal Public Ministry) investigates a possible fraud in the distribution system of the first batch of vaccines against covid-19 in Manaus, Amazonas. The city must inform, as a matter of urgency, within a period of up to 12 hours, which professionals have already been vaccinated, the working hours of the professionals of the Nilton Lins UBS (Basic Health Unit) in January, in addition to the list carried out by them in the health unit on January 18 and 19.

In the Federal District, the Public Ministry also investigates the cases of people linked to health workers who are not part of the priority group, but who were vaccinated against covid-19. The region received 106,000 doses, enough to immunize 50,000 people.

In Manaus, the MPF summoned two recently graduated doctors. The twins Gabrielle Kirk Maddy Lins and Isabelle Kirk Maddy Lins are the daughters of an education sector entrepreneur in Amazonas, and received the vaccine shortly after being appointed to work in the administrative area of ​​a BHU. In social networks, both shared the moment of vaccination.

Gabrielle was appointed on Monday (18) as project manager, the same day the vaccines were shipped to the city. His salary is R $ 8 thousand.

Decree prohibited servers from spreading immunizations on networks

The MPF investigations began after the mayor of Manaus, David Almeida, appeared in a live made on social networks last Tuesday (19). In the video, the head of the municipal executive announced an ordinance that prohibits the disclosure, on social networks, of the moment of vaccination within health facilities. In addition to this evidence, the MPF also received complaints related to the case of the twin doctors.

The mayor of Manaus received a recommendation issued by the MPF for David Almeida not to make public demonstrations to prevent public servants from expressing themselves verbally or through images on the networks.

David Almeida should make a new video, in accordance with the recommendation of the MPF, informing about the permission to the servers to disclose their own immunization, if they are interested. The mayor must also communicate about the revocation or cancellation of any norm that prohibits the free manifestation of public officials regarding the immunization process.

Postponed immunization

After complaints of favoritism, vaccination against covid-19 for health professionals was suspended in Manaus for one day, only this Thursday (21), for which the immunization campaign was reformulated. The decision was made during a meeting between the State and Municipal Health Secretaries.

The postponement occurred when taking into account the amount of vaccine doses delivered by the Ministry of Health to the region. Local authorities estimate that vaccines could serve only 34% of professionals in the field working in the state.
