The day that Acre exceeds 800 deaths from covid-19, the population crowds into the gameleira |


This Sunday, January 3, the day that Acre surpassed the mark of 800 deaths from covid-19, the Rio-Branco population gave a terrible example in relation to the fight against the new coronavirus, in Gameleira, located in District 2, the capital.

The photojournalist of ac24 hours, Sérgio Vale, captured several images that show several neighbors without masks and without any respect with the social distance of two meters that separates them. Acre is currently in the yellow phase with a growth of new cases in recent days.

According to data provided by the Department of Health, Acre exceeded the mark of 42 thousand infected by the disease. Due to increased rainfall, the level of the Acre River in the capital led to the presence of several owners of jet skis and speedboats.

The Acre State Department of Health, through the Department of Sanitary Surveillance, registered 105 more new cases of contamination by the new coronavirus in Acre this Sunday (03).

The number of infected has increased from 41,941 to 42,046 in the last 24 hours. To date, Acre has registered 118,172 notifications of contamination by the disease, of which 75,888 have been discarded.

Currently, the Central Laboratory of Public Health of Acre (Lacen) or the Center for Infectious Diseases Charles Mérieux still await analysis of 238 RT-PCR tests. At least 33,693 people have already been discharged from the disease, while 129 people remain hospitalized.
