The councilor talks about an accident; the boy did not want to be with the mother


The death of Henry Borel Medeiros, 4, which occurred at dawn on Monday (8), in Rio de Janeiro, is still surrounded by mysteries. The mother and stepfather speak of an accident, while the father calls for a rigorous investigation and experts point to death from severe violence. The police are investigating the case.

In an interview with Roberto Cabrini, broadcast yesterday on “Domingo Espetacular”, on TV Record, councilor Jairo Souza Santos Júnior, known as Doutor Jairinho (Solidariedade), who is a doctor by training, said that he did what he could to save the child . , who, he said, was found dead in one of the rooms of the couple’s residence. “I am absolutely sure, before God, that that murder was not,” he said.

Henry was the son of recently divorced parents and spent the weekend with his father, the engineer Leniel Borel de Almeida. Around 7 pm, Leniel left the boy at the condo where the mother resides. Security cameras captured the boy’s arrival.

Monique Medeiros da Costa e Silva has been dating the councilor since October 2020. Before, she worked as a teacher and now holds a position in the Municipal Court of Accounts. Crying, he lamented the death of his son, describing it several times as his “priority in life”, among other adjectives.

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The Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro investigates the death of the stepson of councilor Jairinho (Solidarity) who died at the age of 4

Image: Playback / Instagram

Hours after their arrival, Henry said he wanted to sleep because he was tired. The mother and Jairo say that later they left the sleeping child in his room and went to watch series on the television in the living room. Annoyed by the possibility that the sound of the television disturbed the boy’s sleep, the couple moved to the guest room, where there was also a device.

The mother told Record TV that she only remembers waking up to noises in the next room and pulling on the arm of the councilor, who was next to her at the time. Upon reaching the room, Monique claims that she found her son lying on the floor.

“When I opened the bedroom door, I saw him lying on the floor. I took my son, put him on the bed. I felt uncomfortable. His hands and feet were very cold. I called Jairinho. He wrapped my son in a blanket “. and we went to the hospital, ”he told Monique.

“The only certainty he had was that we were going to bring him back. I wish he had come back with us. By the time he enters the hospital, there are already four health professionals on top of him, then six, then eight.” he saw that he was serious. [estava] nervous. It was the most horrible two hours of my life, ”reported the councilor.

In the autopsy report, the expert found multiple bruises on the abdomen and upper limbs; hemorrhagic infiltration in the frontal region of the skull, in the right parietal and occipital region, that is, in the frontal, lateral and posterior part of the head; swelling in the brain; large amount of blood in the abdomen; kidney contusion on the right; trauma with pulmonary contusion; liver laceration (in the liver); and retroperitoneal hemorrhage.

Professor of Legal Medicine at Uerj (State University of Rio de Janeiro) Nelson Massini told the Twitter that, when analyzing the autopsy report, it is possible to affirm that the child suffered a violent action against the body. “This child was violently beaten, according to the medical legal part, the child shows signs of severe physical violence that hit the head, lung, abdomen, ruptured liver, kidney and various bruises. It is a very serious matter,” he said. .

The boy did not want to go back to his stepfather’s house.

Messages obtained by “Fantástico” from TV Globo showed the conversation between Henry’s parents on Sunday (7), the day the child would be returned to his mother. In them, they both imply that Henry would not want to go back to his stepfather’s apartment, and his mother shows concern.

With the boy in the father’s care for the weekend, the mother wrote about the son’s routine activities, telling him that he was swimming, playing soccer and judo, and that she still wanted to enroll him in drama classes.

The father replied, “Everything is great! I think it’s really great.” He then sent a photo of the boy playing with his friends, to which his mother said, “I’m glad you’re okay.” The next day, Sunday, Monique wrote again: “Lê (Leniel), how are you? I’ve been a little apprehensive since I woke up. Because she doesn’t want to leave.”

The father declared: “Hello, Nique. We are joking. Yes, you will, I have spoken with him that he has school, soccer, and I miss Mom.” Then Monique said, “I can’t bear to cry not to come. It totally destabilizes me. I’m very, very sad. When I can bring it, let me know. It’s going to be endless crying..”

Leniel then replied: “And the worst thing is that he messes with my psychological saying that I stay a bit with him.”

Monique added: “I wake up bad, I get bad, I get horrible.” Leniel: “Calm down, we are in the process.” Minutes before the child was handed over to his mother, the father still received the messages: “Today will be a difficult night. Whenever he arrives it is like that. I stopped my life to be with him and it does not matter. I know. happening. Daily “,” A 4-year-old boy destroys us, but cannot command, “” We have to be firm, do our best, “Monique wrote, according to the report.
