The City Council authorizes the opening of BH stores and shopping centers on Saturdays – Gerais


(photo: Glaydston Rodrigues / EM / DA Press)
(photo: Glaydston Rodrigues / EM / DA Press)

The stores and malls of Belo Horizonte will be open on Saturdays. The decision was announced on Friday (11), by the City of Belo Horizonte. The authorization begins to take effect from this weekend. Also, gyms may have group classes, like crossfit. The decisions were communicated at a press conference at the headquarters of the municipal executive, without the presence of the mayor. Alexandre Kalil (PSD). The journalists were received by Secretrios: de Sade, Jackson Machado; Planning and Management, Andr Reis, in addition to the infectologists who are part of the COVID-19 Coping Committee, Carlos Starling, Estevo Urbano and Una Tupinambs.

As of this Saturday (12), the street shops, which were already open from Monday to Friday between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., will be able to open their doors on Saturdays, from 9am to 5pm. Shopping centers that, on business days, operate between 12h to 20h, to be able to receive clients in the same time range on Saturdays.

Starting on the 19th (Saturday), three other parks in Belo Horizonte will be open to the public again: Renato Azeredo (Palmares, Northeast Region of the capital), Aggeo Pio Sobrinho (Buritis, West Region of BH) and Serra do Curral. .

Flexibility process

After easing the quarantine and releasing the operation of some sectors of the retail trade between May 25 and June 26, Kalil returned to “phase zero”: only essential services could function. The gradual reopening only resumed as of August 6, when some non-essential segments were able to operate on an alternate scale, three days a week.

On August 20, Kalil responded to a request from entities linked to the owners of stores in the capital and increased the number of days allowed for the operation of the store, which received authorization to open the doors on Mondays and Fridays. At this stage, one of the innovations of flexibility was the permission to reopen the restaurants for lunch, without consuming alcoholic beverages in the places.

A week later, PBH officially inaugurated the reopening of bars and restaurants as of September 4, with defined hours and days of the week. In addition, the municipal executive has authorized the operation of gyms and beauty clinics. All segments must adopt specific protocols.

COVID-19 numbers in BH

Decisions about the future of business in Belo Horizonte are governed by three criteria: the average number of transmission per infected (Rt) and the occupancy rates of ICUs and clinical beds.

According to the most recent bulletin, released this Thursday by the municipal health department, the ICU occupancy rate increased for the second day in a row: from 51.1% to 52.2%. Therefore, the parameter remains in the alert stage, yellow, applied when the occupancy is between 50% and 69%.

Still in the control phase (green), the most favorable, the occupancy of the rooms fell from 46.8% to 45%.

The average number of transmissions per infected person has also decreased slightly, from 0.96 to 0.95 in the last 24 hours. The so-called RT factor measures the velocity of the COVID-19 contour and is in the control phase in Belo Horizonte.

The capital has 1,096 deaths from diseases. There are 36,848 confirmed cases: in addition to deaths, there are 2,572 follow-up diagnoses and 33,180 recovered patients. There are six items still under investigation, the city reports, which could bring the total number to 1,104.
