O Minister da Saúde, Nelson Teich, said that he had been surrendered on this second February, 11, with the rejeição do Conselho Nacional de Secretarios de Saúde (Conass) e do Conselho Nacional de Secretarios Municipais de Saúde (Conasems), bodies that the representatives of States and municipalities together with the Ministry of Health, on the adoration of a matrix of social isolation made from pasta.
Teich said that, not the end of the week, he discussed the matter with representatives of two councils and that there was a consensus that the measures would be announced to mark out and guide each local manager to take their measures. “Not Saturday, when people ended up meeting, apparently there was a consensus. I was surpreendido hoje, with some notes from the day, showing that this was not a hoje cenario, “he commented.
Or positioning two conselhos foi revealed daily hair O State of S. Paulo. Second Teich, “to argue that it was placed in a different leaf than it was for the past week,” he said, in relation to the managers of two councils.
“For me it was a huge surprise. Not Saturday, to discussão foi absolutely technical. Or that it happened to me that there was a consensus. Naquele moment, no tinha um positionamento, um questionamento, some criticism, as to that people have hoje do Conass em relação ao Modelo, ”he declared.