SP: Doria’s restraint ring starts from 11 pm to 5 am; know what changes – 02/26/2021


The “touch of moderation” imposed by the São Paulo government begins today at 11pm today. The measure aims to avoid crowds in the streets, since non-essential activities are only allowed until 10 at night. The determination will be valid until March 14.

In practice, there will be no changes for non-essential businesses and services that are already operating on a fixed schedule: from 6 to 22 hours. What changes, according to the state government, is the inspection of street events and clandestine parties.

During the validity of the restriction, the establishments and houses that are promoting parties within the restricted hours will be fined. People who repeat offenders on the street without justification will also be fined, except for work or health reasons.

Drivers and passersby from 11 pm to 5 am will be contacted by a state agent to alert them of the risks. At first, only a warning and guidance will be given to return home. If the person is caught a second time, they will be fined around R $ 525 for each repeat offense.

Private meetings with more than ten people are also not allowed. According to a publication in today’s Official Gazette, “the São Paulo state police can determine the dispersion of agglomerations, as long as they find an encounter of people capable of increasing the spread of covid-19.”

According to the government, there will be 1,000 Sanitary Surveillance employees for these operations in the early morning throughout the state. There will also be a contingent of the Military Police and Procon, but the total number was not reported. The size of the bombings will depend on the complaints and registers of agglomerations in each city.

For the remainder of the day, the SP Plan rules continue to apply in each region. Today, Greater São Paulo and five other regions have regressed in phase. The municipality of São Paulo and the metropolitan region are now in the orange phase, the second most restrictive.

See what stage each region is in:

  • Red stage: Araraquara, Barretos, Bauru, Marília, Presidente Prudente and Ribeirão Preto;
  • Orange phase: São Paulo and the metropolitan region, Campinas, Franca, Registro, São João da Boa Vista, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba and Taubaté;
  • Yellow phase: Araçatuba, Baixada Santista and Piracicaba.

Possible system failure

The restriction ring was announced last Wednesday (24) by the state government due to the capacity of ICU (Intensive Care Units) beds in the state. Currently, there are several health units with 100% occupation of ICU beds for covid-19.

Statewide, the current occupancy rate is 69%, with 6,767 inpatients. According to the Contingency Center, at this rate, the state would have a health system collapse in 22 days, if no additional measures were taken.

The situation inside is the most worrying. Some cities, such as Araraquara, have even determined the “lockdown” to try to reduce the transmission of the virus. São Bernardo do Campo, in Greater São Paulo, also announced this week a curfew between 10 pm and 5 am and postponed the return to face-to-face classes, which would be held on March 1.

* Leonardo Martins, Lucas Borges Teixeira, Rafael Bragança, Allan Brito and Douglas Porto collaborated.
