Readjustment of the safe days in Mexico City now in Bolsonaro


Assembleia de policiais civis na Pra
Assembleia de policiais civis na Praa do Buriti: category defends salary readjustment due to continued inflationary losses, which passariam of 60% (photo: Ana Carneiro / Esp. CB / D.A Press)

More stage in search of fim do imbrglio para o readjustment of the safe areas of the Federal District foi concluded ontem. O National Congress approved the lei project that moves to Lei de Diretrizes Oramentrias (LDO) of 2020 and included permission for salary reimbursement seja granted s categories. Na pratica, h mais um passo to be given so that or increase would become valid, as a means of a provisional measure (MP) by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (sem party). Ao Correio, or Ibaneis Rocha governor, affirmed that he accredits that he readjusted himself during the Covid-19 pandemic.

No case of Polcia Militar e do Corpo de Bombeiros, or expected increase of 25% applied over gratification. For Civil Police, or linear increase of 8%. The resources for the payments do not have to generate additional costs for Unio, because in fact, close to R $ 505 milhes a year, the Fundo Constitucional do Distrito Federal (FCDF), which, this year, was R $ 15, 73 bilhes. Or resource destined to or GDF to collect expenses with public security, health and education (see O what he said to read).

Houve articulao da bancada do DF na Cmara e no Senado para o projeto fosse voted nesta quarta-feira pelas duas Casas. A justification for the pressa or fate that Bolsonaro should sanction, this week, text that guarantees guarantor for states and municipalities, as provided for a freezing of the servers. O Congress removed some categories, such as you profess yourself safe, restricted, more or President of the Republic, at the request of the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, announced that he veto you. For this reason, it was essential that the anticipation of a readjustment for the corporations of the DF be approved before a veto that would completely preclude a recomposition in 2020.


One of the two parliamentarians who will participate in the article in favor of the approval of the project, or Senator Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF) affirms that the next step, now, is to mobilize as the President of the Republic to expedite the provisional measure. “I have said that every day with your agony. That battle is over, let’s go to another. As it has been feita hair before president. So, there was no point in delaying now “, disse.

O federal deputy Luis Miranda (DEM-DF), porm, guarantees that the possibility of an increase or less will materialize during a pandemic, but it is worth noting that the PLN opens the way for a readjustment to be granted later. “Um ou outro parlamentar wanted to debate that it was not the time, or the very argument that we are not giving rise, but rather, no future, to MP being routed. I do not credit increases in full pandemic, despite the fact that they (as corporaes) deserve, “he argued.

Senator Leila Barros (PSB-DF) affirms that she has approved an important step in the evaluation of the foreign insurance companies in DF. “Or fulfillment of a commitment signed before pandemic with these categories that trabalham permanently”, avaliou. Ela ressalva, porm, that or DF to the only federal unit that depends on the federal law to readjust or left das foras de segurana locais. “We depend on political agreements to make this adjustment possible. Quem loses com isso os servants. A PCDF, for example, is 10 years sem salary recomposition, “he observed.

A federal delegate Flvia Arruda (PL-DF) ruled out the importance of measures given the wage losses in recent years and highlighted that, now, the discussion continues for or Executive. “The president of the Republic and the government of the DF must see or readjust, to rent that will be used. And have no financial impact on Unio. appeal of the Constitutional Fund ”, lembrou. “It is a Justia’s question to a very old lawsuit, which entered into the emergency guidelines.”


A possibility that the freezing of two salaries prevented a recomposition was a concern among the categories, as confirmed by the President of the Syndicate of Two Delegates of Civil Police (Sindepo), Rafael Sampaio. “We were very concerned about the veto announced for another project, which would make any readjustment undamaged at the end of the year we viewed. Now, we are very safe, because this readjustment will go, we believe that either the government is complying or its commitment “, ponderou.

It refrains that or increase, in the face of the categories, a cheese of compensation of losses. “We have been seven years after the nenhum readjustment, sem nenhuma salary recomposition, with inflationary losses that passed 60% and it would not be fair for people to continue, except for all the commitments that were signed since or last year, this is the readjustment this year” , defended Rafael.

Or understanding of the Sindicato dos Policiais Civis do Distrito Federal (Sinpol) according to the same month. “In recomposition of the urgent salary losses, once we have been more than 10 years without readjustments, and the inflation of the period is 60% of our purchasing power. We hope that, approved not Congress, or president assine with urgency to provisional measure that guarantor to apply or give recomposition, ”informed Sinpol, by means of assessoria of printing.

Or Colonel Jorge Eduardo Naime, president of the Associao dos Oficiais da Polcia Militar (Asof-PMDF), argues that the adjustment is not about a salary increase. “A recomposition of loss, that we soften not fim do ano com a mudana da alot of the warning, to alteo of time of service and uma srie de restries na carreira. That recomposition was for ter vindo em janeiro so that people did not feel that impact, “he explained. Segundo o Jorge, to the approval of no Congress, also represents for the category a reconhecimento do trabalho da surena do DF does not combat a novo coronavrus.

* Collaborated by Alessandra Azevedo and Luiz Calcagno

Do not detail

R $ 504.97 milhes: Total impact of the readjustment for the insurance companies in DF

R $ 364.29 milhes: Value that would be destined to or increase of 25% for military police and firefighters

R $ 140.68 milhes: Resources that would be earmarked for the 5% provided to police officers

R $ 15.73 bilhes: Resources of the Constitutional Fund for 2020

Or what about lei

To Lei nº 10.633, dated December 27, 2002, instituted the Fundo Constitucional do Distrito Federal (FCDF), “with the purpose of providing necessary resources organized and maintained by the Polcia Civil, Polcia Militar and Corpo de Bombeiros do DF, bem as financial assistance for the execution of public services of sade e educao ”. Pursuant to legislation, in January 2003, the corresponding resources will be turned over to the GDF.


Increase and recomposition

In February 2019, the GDF sent it to the federal government with regard to a 37% increase for Polcia Civil, as compared to the corporate law with Polcia Federal. In the past year, President Jair Bolsonaro affirmed that he would authorize a recomposition, case, or readjustment for military or military personnel. In December, or local executive, he sent a proposal for the military, of about 31.5%. In response to Planalto, it was possible to grant 8% for everyone. On the 24th, Ibaneis and Bolsonaro will meet, and the president assumou provisional measure that would allow or immediate readjustment. O president foi, not yet, alerted by the economic team that MP could refer to Lei de Fiscal Responsibility (LRF) e recoou. A Presidency directed, ento, or project of lei that included previso na Lei de Diretrizes Oramentrias.
