PRF mid-level contest: Director says ad comes out after clearance! Up to R $ 4.2 thousand


The expectation of opening a new public notice competition public for Federal Highway Police (PRF 2020/2021 Contest) may be released soon for career administrative. According to the CEO, José Lopes Hott Junior, the corporation is not organizing itself nor does it plan to open a new mid-level ad, but it does not rule out this possibility.

During the live on his Instagram, the director was asked about a new call for tenders for administrative agents, middle level. According to the director, “there is no forecast for a medium level, if the government authorizes it, we will carry it out, but we do not have any negotiations at an advanced stage that indicate this achievement,” said Hott.

So far, the corporation has only been working to open a new tender for a police career. After trying to open a new administrative notice, the general director emphasized that it depends on the authorization of the government. Thus, it will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy to assess the need, based on the request sent.

The PRF 2021 contest

A Federal Highway Police have a new order for competition public (PRF contest) under analysis to fill vacancies in the position of Administrative Agent, a position that has a secondary level requirement.

After confirming the dispatch of 2,634 vacancies in charge of traffic cop, it was announced in June that the app also has 138 more job openings for administrative agent, totaling 2,772 vacancies.

The position of Administrative Agent has a diploma requirement, duly registered, of completion of a high school course (former high school), provided by an educational institution recognized by MEC. The initial compensation for the position reaches R $ 4,270.77, an amount that already includes a salary of R $ 3,812.77 and food stamps of R $ 458.

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The last mid-level PRF contest was held in 2014, organized by FUNCAB. At that time, the event had 216 seats.

Assignments – The Administrative Agent will carry out the administrative activities, at an intermediate level, related to the legal competences of the Federal Highway Police, by providing administrative technical support to the final area of ​​the Institution. The working day is 40 hours a week.

The expectation is that those enrolled in the new PRF Tender – Administrative Agent Be evaluated by objective qualifying and eliminatory evidence, consisting of multiple-choice questions on the subjects of Portuguese Language, Ethics and Public Conduct, Logical Reasoning, Notions of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Notions of Archival and Computer Science, and Legislation Related to the PRF. Each question had 5 (five) alternatives, only one correct.

In addition, those approved in the objective test will be evaluated by SOCIAL INVESTIGATION, eliminatory step.

Vacancies for the last mid-level PRF contest

The last competition offered 216 places. See how was the distribution of vacancies in the latest Medium Level PRF Contest.

GO – 06 general vacancies + 01 PcD
MT – 08 general vacancies + 01 PcD
MS – 14 general vacancies + 01 PwD
MG – 16 general vacancies + 01 PwD
General vacancy RJ – 01
SP – 09 general vacancies + 01 PcD
PR – 17 general vacancies + 01 PcD
SC – 17 general vacancies + 02 PwD
RS – 23 general vacancies + 02 PcD
BA – 17 general vacancies + 01 PcD
PE – 11 general vacancies + 01 PwD
ES – 03 general vacancies
AL – 03 general vacancies
PB – 04 general vacancies
RN – 03 general vacancies
CE – 03 general vacancies
PI – 09 general vacancies + 01 PcD
MA – 04 general vacancies + 01 PcD
PA – 05 general vacancies + 01 PcD
SE – 04 general vacancies
RO / AC – 03 general vacancies
DF / SEDE – 07 general vacancies + 01 PcD
TO – 04 general vacancies
AM – 03 general vacancies
AP – 03 general vacancies
RR – 03 general vacancies

* PwD – People with disabilities

People with disabilities will be entitled to 5% of the vacancies offered, according to the distribution of vacancies in the PRF (Administrative Agent) tender announcement.

Program content PRF Contest Medium level

PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE: 1. Comprehension and interpretation of texts. 2. Textual typology. 3. Official spelling. 4. Graphic accentuation. 5. Use of word classes. 6. Use of the crase sign. 7. Syntax of the sentence and the period. 8. Score. 9. Nominal and verbal agreement. 10. Nominal and verbal rules. 11. Meaning of words. 12. Drafting of official correspondence: Drafting Manual of the Presidency of the Republic.

ETHICS AND PUBLIC CONDUCT: 1. Ethics and morals. 2. Ethics, principles and values. 3. Ethics and democracy: exercise of citizenship. 4. Ethics and public service. 5. Ethics in the Public Sector. 5.1. Decree No. 1,171 / 1994 (Code of Professional Ethics of the Public Function) and Decree No. 6,029 / 2007 (Establishes the Ethical Management System of the Federal Executive Power). 5.2. Law No. 8.112 / 1990 and amendments – Disciplinary regime: duties and prohibitions, accumulation of positions, responsibilities, sanctions. 5.3. Law No. 8,429 / 1992: general provisions, acts of administrative impropriety.

LOGICAL RATIO: 1. Logical structures. 2. Logic of argumentation: analogies, inferences, deductions and conclusions. 3. Sentence logic (or propositional). 3.1. Simple and compound propositions. 3.2. True tables. 3.3. Equivalences. 3.4. De Morgan Laws. 3.5. Logic diagrams. 4. First order logic. 5. Counting and probability principles. 6. Establish operations. 7. Logical reasoning that involves arithmetic, geometric and matrix problems.

NOTIONS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: 1. Constitution. 1.1. Concept, classifications, fundamental principles. 2. Fundamental rights and guarantees. 2.1. Individual and collective rights and duties, social rights, nationality, citizenship, political rights, political parties. 3. Political-administrative organization. 3.1. Union, states, Federal District, municipalities and territories. 4. Public administration. 4.1. General provisions, public servants. 5. Legislative power. 5.1. National Congress, Chamber of Deputies, Federal Senate, Deputies and Senators. 6. Executive branch. 6.1. Functions of the President of the Republic and the Ministers of State. 7. Judicial power. 7.1. General disposition. 7.2. Bodies of the Judiciary. 7.2.1. Abilities. 7.3. National Council of Justice (CNJ). 7.3.1. Composition and skills. 8. Essential functions for justice. 8.1. Prosecutors, defense and public defense.

NOTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: 1. Administrative act: concept, requirements, attributes, classification, species and invalidation. 1.1. Cancellation and revocation. 1.2. Prescription. 2. Control of public administration: administrative control, legislative control and judicial control. 3. Administrative agents: investiture and exercise of the public function. 3.1. Rights and duties of public servants. 3.2. Administrative process: concept, principles, phases and modalities. 4. Powers of administration: linked, discretionary, hierarchical, disciplinary and regulatory. 5. Basic principles of administration. 5.1. Strict management responsibility. 5.2. Administrative dishonesty. 6. Public services: concept, classification, regulation, forms and competence of provision. 7. Direct and indirect, centralized and decentralized administration. 8. Law No. 8.112 / 1990 and amendments. 9. Law No. 8,666 / 1993, arts. 1st to 6th, 20 to 26 and 54 to 80, and their modifications. 10. Law 9.784 / 1999: administrative procedure in the field of federal public administration.

NOTIONS OF ADMINISTRATION: 1. The evolution of the Public Administration and the reform of the State. 1.1. Convergences and differences between public and private management. 1.2. Excellence in public services. 1.3. Excellence in the management of public services. 2. People management. 2.1. HR concepts and practices related to public servants. 2.2. HR strategic planning. 2.3. Performance management. 2.4. Organizational behavior, climate and culture. 2.5. Skills management and knowledge management. 2.6. Quality of life at work. 2.7. Characteristics of modern formal organizations: types of organizational structure, nature, purposes and departmentalization criteria. 2.8. Leadership, motivation and job satisfaction. 2.9. Recruitment and selection of people. 2.10. Analysis and description of functions. 3. Education, training and development. 3.1. Corporate education. 3.1.1. Long distance education.

NOTIONS OF ARCHIVOLOGY: 1. Archival: principles and concepts. 2. Document management. 2.1. Protocol: reception, registration, distribution, processing and sending of documents. 2.2. Classification of archival documents. 2.3. Archive and classify archival documents. 2.4. Temporary table of records. 3. Packaging and storage of archival documents. 4. Preservation and conservation of archival documents.

COMPUTER NOTIONS: 1. Concepts and ways of using applications for editing texts, spreadsheets and presentations. 2. Internet basics, tools, applications and procedures. 3. Concepts and ways of using email navigation tools, discussion groups, search tools and research. 4. Basic concepts and ways of using technologies, tools, applications and procedures associated with the Internet and Intranet. 5. Concepts of information technology: information systems and basic concepts of Information Security.

PRF LEGISLATION: 1. Art.144 of the Federal Constitution – Constitutional profile: institutional functions. 2. Art. 20 of Law No. 9,503 / 1997. 3. Decree No. 1,655 / 1995. 4. Decree No. 6,061 / 2007.

Contest information
  • Competition: Federal Highway Police
  • Load: Administrative Agent
  • Education: medium
  • Vacancy numbers: 138 requested
  • Remuneration: R $ 4,270.77
  • Registration: to define
  • Registration fee: to define
  • Evidence: to define
  • Situation: PLANNED
  • Link to the last public notice

100% according to last notice
