preliminary decision frees driver of new launcher in São Paulo


The São Paulo State Court of Justice (TJ-SP) today issued a court order suspending the new vehicle rotation in the capital of São Paulo, decreed by Mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB-SP) to encourage social isolation and , therefore, contain the progression of the coronavirus.

In the decision, Judge Celina Kiyomi Toyoshima said that she took into account the manifestation of the São Paulo Public Ministry (MP-SP), in favor of suspending the new rotation. The popular action was presented by Councilor Fernando Holiday (DEM-SP).

Toyoshima reinforced, however, that there is no unconstitutionality in the Covas decree, and that it is not for the Judiciary “to interfere [intrometer] in the various measures that the Public Power is taking “against the spread of covid-19.

The preliminary mandate “can be reviewed after the answer,” according to the judge.

How the new launcher worked

Valid since yesterday, the new system allowed vehicles with even end plates to travel only on even days; odd ending, on odd days. Unlike the previous one, which only covered the expanded center, the new rotation was in force throughout the city, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The measure excluded only health professionals, who should register with the city hall to guarantee exemption from fines, taxis (which were already out of the previous system), police cars, the army and service providers for electricity networks. and gas.

It only took a day to criticize the new rotation. One of the most cited problems was the fact that, with the limitations imposed on the streets, there were crowds on public transport.
