Prefeito ACM Neto e filhas negative testam for coronavirus – Jornal CORREIO


Or prefeito ACM Neto testou negative for coronavirus. The municipal manager carried out two exams, not the Central Laboratory (Lacen) da Bahia and one other in a particular unit and both will prove that it has not contaminated Covid-19. As filhas dele, Marcela e Lívia Magalhães, they were also submissive to testagens, also with negative results.

“The results of your test on these films have just been negative for coronavirus. I thank all of you who will send support messages in the last few hours. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to protect yourself, take care of your families and fiquem em house hair bem of all, “said Neto na noite desta quinta-feira (14), in postagem nas redes sociais.

Or prefect decided to make the testes após or chefe de Gabinete do município, Kaio Moraes, and o deputy chief, Matheus Simões, contraírem a doença – both are here and are at home.

Net chegou to announce that ficaria em total regulation tied that saísse or result do seu teste. “Leaf, to know that or my chief of staff, Kaio Moraes, people who work directly with me, test positive for the coronavirus, suspended my agenda in the Prefeitura, our events from the work of the house,” he reported. also that all the equipment of the Cabinet will also be tested.

In the video conference interview that took place in this fifth, Neto also informed that his loved one, Mariana Barreto, and the officials who worked in his residence also had a procedural procedure.

It is worth mentioning that, no later than the confirmation of the cabinet chief Kaio Moraes, or Salvador’s health secretary, Leo Prates, announced that you are two young people diagnosed with covid-19.

Além das crianças, duas irmãs e dois cunhados do secretário foram infected with novo coronavirus. In the message published on his Twitter account, Leo said that he was also subjected to tests to detect doença, more or a negative result.

See the results of two tests of the ACM Net prefeito:

Photo: Reprodução
