Porto Alegre shopping centers should not be reopened


Porto Alegre shopping centers must not adhere to the decree published by the State Department of Health (SES) this Thursday. The City Council of the Capital reported that shopping centers are not authorized to reopen and that the current municipal decree is still in force.

OR decree 20,562, signed by Mayor Nelson Marchezan Júnior, was published in an additional edition of the Official Gazette of Porto Alegre on April 30. In it, he was allowed return only from activities of self-employed, self-employed professionals, micro-entrepreneurs and individual micro-businesses.

• Read the SES Ordinance in its entirety

The decree of the State Health Secretariat releases the reopening of shopping centers in the 20 regions of Rio Grande do Sul identified with the yellow and orange flags. The new flexibility restricts establishments, however, the opening of recreation areas, cinemas, theaters, bars and pubs, as well as the use of changing rooms in shops, buffet services in restaurants and bars and lounges.

The Lajeado region, identified with the red flag, is the only one not benefiting from relaxation this week. The rereading of the flags is always carried out on Saturdays, being valid on Mondays.
