PE prohibits circulation of people and adopts restrictive measures not Recife and the most four cities | Pernambuco


The government of Pernambuco decretou quarentena no Recife, Olinda, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Camaragibe and São Lourenço da Mata from Saturday (16), with 15 days duration. As is the case, there will be restrictions on the movement of people and vehicles in all five cities. Before, it was hardly recommended that everyone go home. It is also determined or compulsory use of masks.

The state government does not use the term “lockdown”, but the quarentena decree prohibits you from leaving the house sem necessidade. It is the fourth capital of the country to be added to the circulation of people – as well as three others in Belém, São Luís and Fortaleza.

The following measures will be implemented as follows:

  • Restriction of circulation of people
  • Vehicle rodizio
  • Mandatory use of masks
  • Sanitização de ruas

The five cities of Grande Recife were escorted by representatives, together, 75% two confirmed cases and 68% two deaths of state, second or government. Pernambuco registered more than a thousand deaths and 13 thousand cases of Covid-19. São Lourenço da Mata e Recife is among the cities with the highest mortalities by country viruses, second survey of G1 together with the state secretaries of health.

Second or governo, I tied to sixth-feira (15), as the measures vigoram nas five cidades in the educational period. Após isso, the measures of “intense restriction” are only applied on or after May 31.

“In the last ten days, we saw the number of confirmed cases of motivated deaths, and Covid-19 practically doubled in Pernambuco. As with all our efforts, […] that it will be possible to open, até agora, from about 1,200 new laws in nossa rede de saúde, we fear a waiting line for a lazy UTI that has passed 200 pessoas “, apontou or governor Paulo Câmara (PSB) in pronouncement to or justify adoção da quarentena.

A weight circulation will be controlled through the requirement of an identification document, justification of the destination and end of the essential for the departure.

Essential services, such as supermarkets, pharmacies and padarias continue to function normally. For the other municipalities, the measures provided for in the previous decrees of the state government remain in force.

The state government is going to implant a rodizio of vehicles, similar to or carried out in São Paulo. On even days, we can circulate those whose plate ends in an even number. Every day, we will show you the finished plate with the number.

They are excluded from the rodízio táxis and ônibus, além two used by profissionais de saúde, segurança, Defesa Civil and for official use. Also not included are no essential services, such as water and gas supplies, energy, mail, printing, food products, funeral homes, works, pigtail, guincho and ambulances.

You profissionais devem to present crachá, carteira de trabalho ou aplicativo to verify that you can circulate.

It is going to be implanted points of blockade to the five municipalities, with recommendation for return and the possibility of opening and removal of vehicles and authorization to transit.

All the população happens to be forced to use masks. In the case of people flagrated in these commercial establishments or public transport, or security equipment, a company may be fined. O cidadão that circulating on public roads in a mask will be directed to return home.

As masks were required for quem atuava em serviços essenciais, as or commerce, from or April 27.

As communities with a lower isolating rate will be less than integrated to raise awareness among the population and also to improve the sanitation of roads. The auditing will also be carried out by local groups to cover the opening of these provisions and disagreement with the rules.

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