PCDF identifies the last people who were with a murdered teacher


The Federal District Civil Police (PCDF) identified the last four people who saw Professor Adailton Jorge da Silva Campos, 33, alive. One of them is pointed out by investigators from Police Station 33 (Santa María) as the author of the shots that killed the professor.

The crime was committed in front of the victim’s house in Santa María. As determined by the Metropolis, the educator knew the suspect in the crime.

They even reportedly spent the night drinking together, in the company of the other three men identified by the PCDF. However, in the morning, when they returned home, they began to argue.

According to police sources heard in the report, the reason for the confusion was a suspicion by the defendant that Adailton had stolen his cell phone.

When the teacher threatened to call the police, the defendant became angry and committed the crime.

Adailton was a teacher and had worked in schools in Goiás and at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology in Brasilia, according to the curriculum published on the victim’s social networks. He was currently unemployed.


The crime

The case occurred around 9:30 am on Thursday (9/17), on set A of Block 518 in Santa María. The first information showed that it was a robbery (theft followed by death), but the fact in the Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF) was registered as homicide.

According to the Federal District Military Police (PMDF), rescuers from the Urban Mobile Assistance Service (Samu) were summoned, they made the call, but minutes later the death of the victim was declared.

In the classroom, Adailton planned content for different subjects. In her resume, published on the LinkedIn platform, it seems that she also dealt directly with the parents of the students and with the management team of the educational unit.

On social media, the Duque de Caxias State College, in Águas Lindas (GO), made a publication in honor of the professor.

“You will always be remembered for professionalism, honesty, loyalty, intelligence, competence and sensitivity to face adversities and human conflicts, with our students, youth and adolescents,” says the post.

Wanted by the report, the DF Department of Education claimed that Adailton “was never on the staff of the Department of Education.” According to the Santa María Regional Teaching Coordination, the teacher acted only as a “voluntary social educator in the months of March and April 2016”.
