The Nashville Metropolitan Police in the United States said they found tissues on Friday night (25) and will investigate if they belong to humans. Officers found the prints near the place where a motorhome (trailer) exploded yesterday morning, only on Christmas day.
The materials will be examined to determine if they are human remains, said the city’s Metropolitan Police Department Chief John Drake, who could not say how far the tissue was from where the trailer exploded.
The incident left three civilians injured, all hospitalized and in stable health. The blast affected at least 41 businesses and one building partially collapsed, authorities said. Concerned about the structural integrity of the affected buildings, the city isolated the area and will not allow anyone to enter until Sunday afternoon (27).
Mayor John Cooper said “it will take some time for the avenue to get back to normal.”
The police investigation now focuses on two points: ensuring the safety of the population and collecting evidence of the explosion. “They are really determining how it happened, almost more than why,” Adam Hall, assistant professor of forensic biomedical science at Boston University School of Medicine, told the American newspaper Tennessean.
“It is difficult, if not impossible, to say how long it would take for them to identify an individual or individuals involved. But at the same time, any physical evidence collected is likely being prioritized for analysis so that at least the police can determine the type of explosive that it was used, because that may give some indication of what the source may have been, “he added.
“We are basically creating a timeline for this incident, from the moment it was first reported, as well as from that incident when it was reported, going back to looking at the circumstances that led to it,” the branch spokesperson said. Nashville Committee on Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Adam Hall. “It can take weeks or months to process the evidence,” he added.
Understand the case
A loud explosion occurred yesterday morning in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, USA Police said they believed it was not an accident, but rather a deliberate action involving a vehicle carrying explosives.
That’s because the vehicle where the explosives were supposed to have emitted a recording warned that a bomb would explode “in the next 15 minutes,” local police chief John Drake said at a news conference. This prevented more people from being injured by the explosion.