Mourão says he is against allowing military personnel to receive over the roof | Politics


The Vice President of the Republic, Hamilton Mourão, affirmed this Monday (31) to be against the liberation for the military to receive above the constitutional ceiling of the civil service (R $ 39,2 thousand, salary of the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court ).

Mourão commented on a report in the newspaper “O Estado de S.Paulo” about the desire of the Ministry of Defense to allow military personnel in government positions to receive on the roof.

According to the report, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation (AGU) issued a favorable opinion to the desire of the Defense and the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force), but the government’s own economic team tries to block the payment.

According to AGU’s notice, the opinion has been suspended since May, for review.

According to Mourão, who is a general in the Army reserve, there is a judicial decision that allows the practice defended by the Defense. However, when analyzing the “ethical and moral issue”, Mourão opposes accumulation, since the country faces a difficult fiscal situation.

Mourão opposes the accumulation of salaries of military personnel above the ceiling of R $ 39 thousand

Mourão opposes the accumulation of salaries of military personnel above the ceiling of R $ 39 thousand

“There is the ethical and moral issue, which I believe, then, is not the case. I am clearly against that at a time when we are living. If we lived in a normal situation, a country with surplus resources, Okay. But that is not what is happening, “said the vice president.

According to the ‘State of S.Paulo’, the endorsement obtained by the Defense allows to avoid the so-called “ceiling massacre”. The mechanism reduces the remuneration of public servants to the maximum allowed by law, the constitutional ceiling, which is equivalent to the salary of a minister of the STF.

According to the report, the Defense maintains that the endorsement would correct the distortions. The ministry questioned the AGU to see if it could apply the abatement cap to each provision separately, that is, without adding retirement with salary paid for the function performed in the government.

In the current government, active and reserve military personnel have been appointed to positions at different levels.

President Jair Bolsonaro, who went to the reserve as captain of the Army, has three ministers with offices in the Planalto Palace who are generals of the reserve: Walter Braga Netto (Civil House), Augusto Heleno (GSI) and Luiz Eduardo Ramos ( Government Secretary).

The vice president, Mourão, is also a reserve general, as well as the defense minister, Fernando Azevedo e Silva.

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, is an admiral in the Navy. The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations, Marcos Pontes, is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserve.
