More than R $ 2 bilhões em emendas para o combat ao coronavírus estão parados ha mais de um mês | Coronavirus


More than R $ 2 bilhões destined exclusively to or confrontation of coronaviruses in states and municipalities are stopped for more than ever. O dinheiro is from parliamentary emendas of state benches, and was announced on April 2, by means of Provisional Measure 941.

I tied this quarta-feira (6), R $ 1.48 bilhão desta soma são considered “committed”, ou seja, reserved for payment. Porém, nem um centavo foi pago, effectively.

When or G1 entered in contact with Ministério da Saúde, na terça-feira (5), or reserved value was only R $ 1.7 milhão.

Esses R $ 2 bilhões são uma parte do orçamento de R $ 11.9 bilhões coming from emendas, sejam de bancadas, or by ações individuais, planned for 2020. Total cost, R $ 6.9 bilhões já foram reserved, and R $ 3.9 bilhões já foram payments.

According to Ministério da Saúde, a verb destined for or combat against Covid-19 from emendas is R $ 8.4 bilhões, whereas R $ 5.2 bilhões são de emendas individuais e R $ 3.2 bilhões vêm de emendas bench, as those resources that are stopped.

For where vai or dinheiro?

You R $ 2,1 bilhões da MP 941 foram requested pela parliamentary benches state, by way of amendments, as a way to relocate part of the orçamento para o combat à Covid-19.

“Foi aberta a janela de tempo, and given a great opportunity to allocate resources to a specific year,” said Gil Castello Branco, NGO economist Contas Abertas.

Foram 73 emendas, from 22 states. Only the benches of Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Paraná, Piauí and Santa Catarina do not present proposals.

Two states that will make amendments, São Paulo and Pará, will request more resources for an exclusive battle against the coronavirus, with R $ 219.5 milhões, each. See, in the table below, how much does each unit of the federation require?

Resources of bench amendments for or combat against or coronaviruses

verb authorized (em milhões de R $) verba empenhada (em milhões de R $) cases of coronavirus até 7/5 mortes by coronavírus até 7/5
Acre 57.1 28.1 1014 36
Alagoas 89.6 73.7 1867 98
Amapá 109.1 59.2 2197 61
Amazon 116.8 116.8 10099 806
Bay 211.5 126.9 4528 165
Ceará 181.1 181 14449 932
federal District 70.8 50.4 2296 35
Holy Spirit 0 0 3984 157
Goias 107.8 78.6 1056 41
Maranhão 131.2 126.1 5907 330
Mato Grosso 0 0 407 14
Mato Grosso do Sul 5.5 0 326 eleven
Minas Gerais 34.2 0 2779 106
For 219.5 0 5834 447
Paraíba 27.3 15.6 1850 111
Parana 0 0 1656 104
Pernambuco 92.6 85.1 10824 845
Piauí 0 0 1131 37
Rio de Janeiro 97.7 97.7 14156 1394
Rio Grande do Norte 65.3 39 1821 81
Rio Grande do Sul 99.3 63.9 2220 91
Rondônia 31 31 1102 37
Roraima 58.5 49 1124 16
St. Catarina 0 0 3082 63
São Paulo 219.5 214.3 40015 3208
Sergipe 56.9 46.2 1214 25
Tocantins 31.3 2 494 9
TOTAL 2,113.6 1,484.6 137,432 9,260

Initially, more than R $ 2 bilhões are classified as “Authorized”, when they are not provided, however, or not. That is the first of 4 steps of a dinheiro no orçamento.

The next stage is the commitment to use the money. É onde est os R $ 1.48 bilhão quoted above.

In the sequence, as verbs are executed. It is so when there is a delivery of the product or a service, whether total or partial. Só aí or pago é feito.

Amendments x number of cases

Ao to cross the dice das emendas of benches state as the number of cases and deaths registered by the state health secretaries, it is curious to observe that some states in which coronaviruses advance more quickly are not among the greatest beneficiaries of verbas do governo.

Or Rio de Janeiro, for example, is the second state with the highest number of cases and deaths. No entanto, soma das verbas de bancada and just the tenth largest in the country.

Or the same thing happens with Pernambuco, which logo behind the Rio asked us for bench verbs, but it is the fourth Brazilian state with the highest number of cases and deaths from Covid-19.

Minas Gerais, or 11th state in cases of coronaviral foi or fifth least pediu dinheiro by less than its bench.

Since the Espírito Santo and Santa Catarina states, respectively, I have not decided on the states with the largest number of confirmed cases of Covid-19, that I will ask for verbs for or combat by means of benchmarks.

Ministry says that he repassou R $ 5 bilhões

In the last quarter of February, in the presentation of the Senate, or the Minister of Health, he affirmed that he had re-passed R $ 2.5 bilhões em emendas for the states, and that, at the end of this week, he would release more R $ 1 bilhão.

Questioned hair G1 On the origin of these resources, or the Ministry disseminates that the fazem part two R $ 8,4 billions in resources of parliamentary amendments planned for 2020.

See how much each state receives in parliamentary emendas, according to the Ministry of Health:

Verbs destined for the hair of the Ministry of Health

state repassed value (em milhões de R $)
Acre 36.1
Alagoas 86.9
Amapá 26.8
Amazon 56.8
Bay 184.1
Ceará 135.3
federal District 25.2
Holy Spirit 45.1
Goias 114.8
Maranhão 148.7
Mato Grosso 66.2
Mato Grosso do Sul 71.1
Minas Gerais 248.9
For 169.6
Paraíba 86.7
Parana 143.5
Pernambuco 146.6
Piauí 76.6
Rio de Janeiro 185.1
Rio Grande do Norte 52.9
Rio Grande do Sul 66.7
Rondônia 24.8
Roraima 26.5
St. Catarina 46.7
São Paulo 185.7
Sergipe 26.4
Tocantins 23.7
TOTAL 2,507

Emendas são parte do orçamento

Até agora, has R $ 250 bilhões destined hair governo for or exclusive combat to or coronavírus in all the areas.

This order included, for example, or Emergency Payment, which represents a goal of two expenses.

Até agora, foram payments R $ 61.8 bilhões, being that a maior fatia foi, exactly, for or payment of the emergency aid – pouco mais of R $ 35 bilhões, destined for Ministério da Cidadania.

A verba planned for o Ministério da Saúde é de pouco less than R $ 19 bilhões. Desses, R $ 5.7 bilhões já foram payments, being that R $ 5.3 bilhões foram sent to states and municipalities.

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Quase all infected by novo coronavírus desenvolvem anticorpos shows study
