MEC warns CNE that it will veto article that releases remote education by the end of 2021


RIO – The Ministry of Education (MEC) warned the National Education Council (CNE), in a meeting last Friday, that it will veto the extension of distance education until December 2021. The information was confirmed to GLOBO by two sources involved . with negotiations.

In practice, public and private educational networks will not be able, as of January, to continue with distance education. This would be one way the federal government could force the classroom to return to school.

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However, each state board of education can, locally, decide to extend remote education in its federative unit, says Cecília Motta, state secretary of education in Mato Grosso do Sul and president of the National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed).

– States will continue to need distance education. If there is an increase in cases, we will only have to return to school remotely. And, even if we have face-to-face classes, how will I recover and divide the classes? Anyway, we are going to need remote classes. If the MEC does not approve it, state systems can regulate – says Motta.

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The extension of remote emergency education was unanimously approved by the CNE (which includes two members of the MEC) in October. However, to be effective, the MEC must approve it.

In a meeting this Friday, just over a month before the end of the year, the MEC informed the City Council that it will ratify the resolution by vetoing only this article.

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Fusion of school years

The resolution was taken to regulate Law 14,040, sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro on August 18, which frees schools from serving 200 school days. The text of the law provides for the CNE to formulate national guidelines for its implementation.

– It is essential that networks have the freedom to recover content that cannot be worked on, even in the form of hybrid education. After all, not all students will be able to return, either due to epidemiological risk or local health problems, ”says Luisa Canziani (PTB), a deputy for Law 14,040.

Among other measures, the CNE ruling also allows states and municipalities to choose to merge the 2020 and 2021 academic years by adopting a continuous two-year curriculum in basic education and a “complementary” academic year for students. 3rd year of high school.
