Kalil says he’s under pressure to ‘shut down’ BH because of COVID-19: ‘The situation is very dire’ – General


The mayor gave an interview this Wednesday (photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA Press)
The mayor granted an interview on Wednesday. (photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA Press)

OR mayor from Belo Horizonte, Alexandre Kalil (PSD), affirmed, this Wednesday, that it does not rule out returning with respect to the make flexible taken due to pandemic of the new coronavrus. Re-elected with more than 63% of the votes, the head of the municipal executive guaranteed that he was supported by the population to tighten the restrictive measures. “The population responded at the polls what they think of the closure of the city. Now I am receiving very strong pressure to close the city. The situation is very serious. Too bad I have to come back here. If they don’t worry, we will close the city, ”he said, appealing, especially to merchants in Belo Horizonte. Kalil appealed to the citizens of the mining capital for help.

According to him, if there is no awareness, the return to the ‘zero’ phase of flexibility, in which only essential services can open the doors, can happen at any time.

Also read: “Irresponsibility, relaxation, lack of empathy and ignorance can lead us to close BH again”

Kalil guarantees to have resources to buy vaccines for everyone

Kalil: ” Notinha and fininha finished, now we will seal establishments ”

“We are going to help because public power will become police power. Let the merchants see to it that we don’t get there before Christmas. Tomorrow we can be here closing everything ”, he asked.

Statistics of Covidien-19 me BH

According to the most recent bulletin published by PBH, published this Tuesday (24), the city has only 53,115 people infected with COVID-19 and 1,622 deaths due to the disease. The document recorded 245 new cases and eight deaths compared to the previous survey, dated Monday (23).

The occupation of intensive care beds is 40.4%, while 38.1% of nursing vacancies have patients. At the beginning of last week, the rates were 31.8% and 29.8%, respectively. The two parameters remain in a controlled phase, below 50%, but the progressive increase requires attention from the population to redouble attention with the pandemic.

Also according to the bulletin of that Tuesday, the incidence of COVID-19 accumulated in the last 14 days, per 100,000 inhabitants, went from 89.9 to 90.9. The highest rate ever recorded in November and is a far cry from the 20 cases that define the low-risk range, according to health agencies. the limit that the city uses to, for example, resume face-to-face classes.

In contrast, the transmission rate, also known as Rt. This is because the index dropped from 1.09 to 1.08. Last week, the figure reached 1.13, the highest on record since early July. Currently, every 100 infected people are capable of transmitting the disease to another 108. The transmission rate returns to the ‘green’ phase, that is, control, below 1.

Flexible phases

The reopening of business in Belo Horizonte was carried out gradually, divided into three phases. In the first, at the beginning of August, all the retail and wholesale trade, beauty sales, shopping centers and store galleries were considered. In the case of shopping malls, initially there were limited hours on weekends, since the authorization to operate would only be from Tuesday to Friday, from 12 to 20 hours. In the second phase, as of August 21, the restaurants were released, but without selling alcoholic beverages.

Only in September were bars allowed to operate and sell beverages, after an agreement between the city of Belo Horizonte and the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants of Minas Gerais (Abrasel-MG), mediated by Justia. During this period, there were several flexibilities in the protocol, such as the launch of the shows (starting in September) and the authorization to open every day.

Subsequently, the activities of phase 3 were included in the opening program. Academies, museums, zoos and cinemas were gradually opened, with restrictions on the number of people and space, with the obligation to maintain hygiene and isolation care.
