Is fasting water good for health? Do you lose weight? Doctors respond | nutrition


Is drinking water on an empty stomach beneficial for the body? There is a general belief that it does, and there are those who say that it even helps you lose weight and prevent disease. The American athlete He spoke to doctors to understand the impacts of starting the day by drinking water, flavored or tasteless, on an empty stomach. And he discovered that practice is considered a good first initiative to achieve daily hydration, which is essential for the proper functioning of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. After all, you must have heard the recommendation that you should drink at least two liters of water a day or read that this measure is in fact individualized, 40 ml of water per kilogram of weight. If you exercise regularly, you know this recommendation may be even higher on the days you exercise. Drinking water on an empty stomach is a first step toward achieving this goal, and is especially beneficial for those who exercise early in the morning. However, the habit is not directly associated with weight loss and disease prevention, according to doctors.

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Start your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. But don't forget to take care of hydration throughout the day - Photo: iStock Getty ImagesStart your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. But don't forget to take care of hydration throughout the day - Photo: iStock Getty Images

Start your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. But don’t forget to take care of hydration throughout the day – Photo: iStock Getty Images

Member of the Temporary Committee for the Study of Endocrinology and Exercise (CTEE) of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology (Sbem), endocrinologist Ricardo Oliveira says that this is a very healthy and recommended habit. When he drinks water while continuing to fast, as soon as he wakes up, the individual shows concern about his hydration and takes a first step towards reaching his daily water quota.

– Water provides countless benefits, since most of our body is made up of water. Keeping the cells hydrated is essential. Obviously, those who drink water on an empty stomach stay hydrated. But so far there is no scientific evidence to show that taking it on an empty stomach the moment you wake up will have any added benefit, improving some diseases, or helping you lose weight. But there is no doubt that this is a healthy habit and that the person will have a better chance of reaching his daily quota of water, the endocrinologist analyzes, adding that adding ingredients such as lemon is even possible to add vitamin C, but being excellent. In this sense, it is necessary to pay attention to food, and not only to the first water of the day.

According to sports doctor Karina Hatano, who has a degree in Nutrition, starting the day by drinking water on an empty stomach can help the body wake up. Teacher in exercise and sports medicine at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), says that this is a more natural way to wake up and stimulate the body. A 250 ml glass of water is enough for anyone to have this benefit, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.

– The habit of drinking water on an empty stomach helps the intestine to begin to function and awaken the body. But in fact, there is no specific benefit of drinking water on an empty stomach, other than creating a stimulus, especially for the gastrointestinal tract. The most important thing is that the person drinks water and is always hydrated. It is no use thinking only about the benefit of this water on an empty stomach and not continuing to hydrate throughout the day. Take advantage of the fact that the day has started like this and continue with it – recommends Hatano.

For those who exercise in the morning.

Drinking water on an empty stomach is essential for those who do physical activity in the morning and need to recover from water loss at night - Photo: PexelsDrinking water on an empty stomach is essential for those who do physical activity in the morning and need to recover from water loss at night - Photo: Pexels

Drinking water on an empty stomach is essential for those who do physical activity in the morning and need to recover from water loss at night – Photo: Pexels

The recommendation to drink water during fasting acquires a special character for a specific audience: those who practice physical activities in the morning benefit greatly from this care. To practice physical activities, the individual must be adequately hydrated. As part of this hydration is lost at night, you should start the day with a good fluid intake.

– For people who train in the morning, fasting water is strongly recommended before exercising to start improving the level of hydration, especially if the urine of the first morning has a more yellowish concentration. Two percent dehydration is enough for a person to lose performance. In addition to impaired sports performance, if the person does not have the adequate level of hydration, the person may have kidney failure, difficulty in muscle recovery and, in more severe cases, rhabdomyolysis, when the muscle is significantly broken down, the kidney loses its capacity for filter and liver, for metabolizing – warns Hatano, who is a sports doctor and physiologist at a treatment center in the areas of orthopedics, rehabilitation and sports medicine, the Cohen Institute.

Endocrinologist Ricardo Oliveira emphasizes that the proper functioning of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, depends on water consumption at other times of the day. For this, Oliveira makes an analogy with protein consumption. There is no point in eating an excessive amount of foods rich in this nutrient in one meal and forgetting about it in others. Like protein intake, hydration should also be spread throughout the day. It is useless, therefore, trying to drink water on an empty stomach and not doing this consumption at other times.

– The hydration of the body must also be carried out every time. The cells of the body, including the intestine, must be well hydrated. The proper functioning of cells and intestinal transit depends on hydration, says the endocrinologist, recalling that a healthy intestine and a microbiota, according to studies, can prevent diseases, as well as being important for the success of weight loss processes. .

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  • Anyone who wants to start the day with a healthy habit and make a first move to achieve the daily hydration quota;
  • People who practice physical activities in the morning. After all, they need to hydrate to exercise.
  • A 250 ml glass of pure water, on an empty stomach, is a good measure to start the day hydrating. It is possible to add ingredients to add some vitamin C, for example. But the person who drinks pure water will already have the main benefit of consuming water on an empty stomach: hydration;
  • During the day, the ideal is to consume 40 ml of water per kilogram of weight. Those 2 liters a day are a general recommendation that is, in fact, ideal for those who weigh 40 kg. An individual of 70 kg, therefore, must ingest 2.8 liters. Do the math.

Benefits of fasting water

The goal should be to start ensuring daily hydration, but you can add ingredients that help enrich the water and give it a flavor - Photo: UnsplashThe goal should be to start ensuring daily hydration, but you can add ingredients that help enrich the water and give it a flavor - Photo: Unsplash

The goal should be to start ensuring daily hydration, but you can add ingredients that help enrich the water and give it a flavor – Photo: Unsplash

  • Stimulus to help the body wake up;
  • Promote water consumption and reach the daily hydration quota, essential for the body to perform its functions. It is worth mentioning that the recommendation for consumption throughout the day varies between 2 and three liters, depending on factors such as weight, age, the presence of chronic diseases and the individual’s physical activity routine;
  • Contribution to hydration and improvement of the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Watch out for the water temperature. In places where the days are warmer, ice water may be more interesting, as it contributes to thermoregulation;
  2. Add ingredients that contain substances that can enrich the water and include a flavor that will satisfy your palate. This is the case of the lemon, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants; or the ginger and cinnamon, which have thermogenic properties. This tip is interesting for those who have a harder time drinking the recommended amount of water throughout the day, either because they forget or don’t like the taste or lack of water very much. Therefore, it is possible to break the monotony of taste and help introduce this habit so essential to vital functions;
  3. Don’t worry about waiting to consume food after drinking water on an empty stomach. You can even have breakfast immediately, without any problem. The goal of starting the day by drinking water on an empty stomach is to help the body wake up and already provide some hydration to the gastrointestinal tract. This in addition to starting the day with a positive water balance, of course. Eating soon after will not interfere with these effects;
  4. Remember that this is the first water of the day. Therefore, you should not forget to consume the recommended amount for you according to your particularities and physical exercise routine.

Tips for exercising in the morning.

Start the day combining the fasting water and the physical activity you do, but without neglecting the intra and post workout fluid replacement - Photo: PexelsStart the day combining the fasting water and the physical activity you do, but without neglecting the intra and post workout fluid replacement - Photo: Pexels

Start the day combining the fasting water and the physical activity you do, but without neglecting the intra and post workout fluid replacement – Photo: Pexels

  1. Always start the day by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach and replacing the water before, during and after training, as recommended by your doctor or nutritionist. Being well hydrated is a basic condition for people who practice physical activities to avoid loss of performance and even compromise muscle recovery and health;
  2. After consuming water on an empty stomach, be sure to eat as usual before your exercises. Some people need to eat breakfast early, before playing sports, while others opt for a light snack or even exercise on an empty stomach. The guidelines for feeding are individualized. For more explanations, talk to your doctor or nutritionist.
  • There are no contraindications to fasting water in the morning. Drinking a 250 ml cup before eating any meal in the morning is recommended for anyone. However, it is important to have a medical and nutritional evaluation if you have diseases and clinical conditions that can be impaired by excessive fluid intake, such as cirrhosis and heart failure. It is not that this first glass of water has so many impacts in these conditions, but it is important to avoid extrapolating the recommended amount to avoid complications;
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the ingredients added to the water, if it presents health problems. People with gastritis, for example, should avoid the lemon fast to avoid the risk of damaging the stomach. Some people add bicarbonate to water to stimulate the intestine, which is not scientifically proven. Baking soda does not harm people in general. However, it should be avoided by those who suffer from high uric acid, gout, diarrhea, and flatulence;
  • Attention should be paid to the concentration of your urine, including the first day of the day. Notice the color and volume. On average, one or two liters of urine is eliminated daily. If the appearance is more yellowish and is not clear, it may be a sign that the hydration is less than desired. In such cases, it pays to pay attention to your water intake as soon as you wake up and don’t forget to drink it throughout the day. Get the help of apps to remember to drink liquids daily. For more guidance, talk to your doctor;
  • Never wait for thirst to come. This is already a sign of dehydration. Starting the day with water on an empty stomach can be beneficial even in this regard.