Indaial records two new cases of Covid-19; mais uma profissional de saúde foi infected


More two inhabitants of Indaial received the confirmation of the novo coronavírus nesta quinta-feira, 23. A homem of 40 years and dweller of Warnow and a mulher of 44 who lives in Encano do Norte.

A feminine patient is also a professional health person, because she is a non-municipal health officer of Timbó. The second server gives the area to be infected by Covid-19 na cidade. Na second-feira, 20, prefeitura disclosed or fourth case, a 29-year-old mulher who attends in Indaial.

Or husband and filho of this 29-year-old servant were among the suspenseful cases not the beginning of the week. Meanwhile, either a 44-year-old homem or a 10-year-old or less. A server gives the prefeiture of 37 dweller of the two states also was discarded.

With the results disclosed in this fifth, Indaial is with serious cases. Not total, 11 já foram discarded. Two six confirmed, you are considered cured. The municipality also registered the first death of the Médio Vale do Itajaí. Mariângela Antunes, faleceu no Páscoa Sunday, day 12, and was a state teacher.

Quick results

O Hospital Beatriz Ramos has quick tests, which she revealed or examined at about half an hour. Sete já tiveram or novo coronavirus patients discarded. The 3 thousand exams foram benches peel prefeitura, peel Acidi e pelo Judiciário de Indaial.
