I am the rational right, he says


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The PSL made official the candidacy of federal deputy Joice Hasselmann (PSL-SP) for mayor of São Paulo. “I am the only option on the right,” said Joice, after his name was approved by acclamation at the party’s convention that took place this Monday morning (31), in São Paulo.

The runner-up position remains open. The most popular name is that of the economist Marcos Cintra, whom Joice called “my Ipiranga post,” paraphrasing the nickname that President Jair Bolsonaro gave to the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes. Cintra, appointed by Bolsonaro as special secretary of the Federal Revenue Service, was dismissed in September last year, after defending a tax similar to the CPMF. He is the current general coordinator of the Joice government plan.

The federal deputy Luiz Philippe de Orléans y Bragança (PSL-SP) is another option. The descendant of the royal family met last Friday (28) with Joice and the state president of the party, Junior Bozzella. “Would it be a good vice? I don’t know, we have to talk, decide with the whole team, I’m not going to decide this alone, ”said Joice.

Another possibility to compose the list is the São Paulo businessman Ivan Leão Sayeg, who is a pre-candidate for councilor. He is heir to Casa Leão Joalheria, supporter of Sergio Moro and Lava Jato, and brother of jeweler Lydia Sayeg, who became famous for participating in the television program “Mulheres Ricas”.

To put together the government plan, the candidate said she had asked for help and spoke with the former Minister of Justice Sergio Moro and the former Governor of Paraná, Jaime Lerner, in the urban planning area.

Regarding the coalition, Joice affirmed that he negotiates the support of smaller parties, but that he is not willing to make an “alliance with the devil and subdivide the mayor’s office, one piece for each one.” “I want autonomy,” he said.

Proposals andeducation and health

When presenting her government plan, the candidate criticized Mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB): “He is a good boy, but he is null as mayor,” he attacked. “São Paulo needs a mother. They were careless with São Paulo, if the expanded center is left the city is abandoned ”, he criticized.

Cured of Covid-19, the candidate affirmed that she already travels the city to speak with neighbors, wearing a mask and respecting social distance. She promised a lean campaign that will be guided by three themes: fight against corruption, management capacity and investments in technology in the areas of health and education.

She plans to expand the use of telemedicine at SUS and implement full-time education, including partially distance education, through the purchase of a tablet from China at a cost of R $ 320 per student, which must be provided by associated companies.

Joice does not want Bolsonaro to return to PSL

Joice said that he represents the “rational right, the thinking right” that is opposed to the “more radical right, which has trouble disagreeing.” “This more Shiite right, I want to bring it here,” he added, referring to the Bolsonarista electorate.

Regarding Bolsonaro’s possible return to the PSL, the candidate said that the party had not made any invitation to the president. “I think the president has to stay where he is. He commands the Presidency of the Republic. Do you want to be without a party? I think it’s good, he doesn’t have a party and lets PSL work, ”he said.

Bolsonaro’s return would also include as a condition the membership of his sons Flávio and Carlos (both Republicans), who were dissatisfied with Joice, in the PSL. “I don’t want to sit next to the one who made the rift. Rachadinha is a euphemism for corruption, ”Joice attacked, referring to the investigation involving son” 01 “when he was a state deputy in Rio.

Who is Joice Hasselmann?

Born in Ponta Grossa (PR), Joice Hasselmann, 42, is a journalist who is in her first term in the Federal Chamber, where she was elected by the PSL with more than 1 million votes for São Paulo. In February of last year, she was elected by Bolsonaro as the leader of the government, but was removed in October, after a division between the Bolsonarista wing and the one headed by the party’s president, Luciano Bivar.
