Former President Lula takes a second dose of the coronavirus vaccine in São Bernardo do Campo | Saint Paul


Former President Lula, 75, took the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine this Saturday morning (3), in São Bernardo do Campo, in Greater São Paulo.

Lula was vaccinated around 10 in the morning. The former president’s vaccination was spread on his social networks. After receiving the vaccine, Lula made a living side of the federal deputy and former minister Alexandre Padilha (PT) and said that he had received the Butantan vaccine.

Former President Lula takes a second dose of the coronavirus vaccine in São Bernardo do Campo – Photo: Playback

“I want to show the dear Brazilian people that I just took my second dose of the Coronavac vaccine. It is important to emphasize that it is the Butantan vaccine. I am sure that in a few days I will be more prepared against Covid-19. Now what I wanted to say is that it is not because they gave me the vaccine that I can relax. Those who took the second dose have to continue using a mask, continue washing their hands, using alcohol in gels avoiding crowding. The vaccine is very important, but just as important as the vaccine, it is the responsibility of every man and woman in this country to take care of themselves. By taking care of yourself, you are taking care of your family, your father, your mother, your child, grandchild, and friends. to doubt this virus that nature imposed on humanity. I say that whenever Covid is a war of nature against the community, perhaps because of the responsibility that humans have had for so long with the environmental issue ”.

Lula had taken the first dose of the vaccine on March 13, also in São Bernardo do Campo.

VIDEO: Former President Lula takes the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine

VIDEO: Former President Lula takes the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine

Former president Lula took the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine on Saturday morning (13), in São Bernardo do Campo, in Greater São Paulo.

Lula was vaccinated around 10 in the morning at the drive-thru service station installed next to the City Hall, in the Municipal Palace. He went to the scene accompanied by the federal deputy and former minister Alexandre Padilha (PT). The vaccination of the former president was spread on Lula’s social networks.

“All people want is to get vaccinated to get rid of this monster called coronavirus,” he said shortly after being immunized.

“Lula is on and vaccinated,” Padilha said during the broadcast.

Lula shows the nurse’s document that certifies receipt of the Covid vaccine – Photo: reproduction / Social networks

Former President Lula is vaccinated against Covid in São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Former President Lula is vaccinated against Covid in São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Last month, during a speech at the Metalworkers Union, Lula said he would get the vaccine.

On the occasion, he held a press conference to discuss the nullity of all convictions related to Lava Jato, following a decision by the Supreme Federal Minister, Edson Fachin.

“Next week, God willing, I’m going to get the vaccine. I’m going to get the vaccine. I don’t care in which country, I don’t care if it’s two or one, you know? I’m going to get the vaccine and I want advertise for the Brazilian people: do not follow any stupid decision of the President of the Republic or the Minister of Health. vaccinate and take off your shirt, go to the bar, order a cold beer and speak no! You need to keep doing the isolation, and you need to keep wearing a mask and using alcohol gel. For God’s sake, this virus, tonight, killed almost 2,000 people. ”

Lula during a speech at the headquarters of the Metalworkers Union in São Bernardo do Campo, on ABC, this Wednesday (10) – Photo: Andre Penner / AP

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