Doctor ventes on irresponsibility in the pandemic: stop doing shit – 12/26/2020


Dr. Luiz Gabriel Signorelli, general director of Santa Casa de Itatiba (SP), 85 km from the São Paulo capital, made an outbreak in a video published on social networks criticizing the irresponsibility committed by citizens during the new coronavirus pandemic. TO TwitterThe director said today that, through the recording, he intended to clarify to the population about the care with contamination by covid-19 and that he did not expect the case to take proportions outside the city.

In the aforementioned recording, the director said that the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) is oversold, that the equipment is overloaded and, citing traffic accidents caused by drunk or drugged drivers, asked people to stop ‘doing’ *** ‘.

“I have been warning the public for weeks about the limit of our capacity, my only way out was to try to clarify the public about the care [tanto com traumas quanto com contaminação da covid]. It was an outburst. I didn’t expect the case to take on proportions outside the city, “Signorelli said.

According to the doctor, the Santa Casa ICU normally comprises a total of ten patients, three of whom are isolated, as is necessary for covid-19 care. Ten more beds were opened during the pandemic period, which, according to Signorelli, served demand well from May to October, until funds ran out and extra beds had to be closed. With that, in November, the hospital was back to just three isolated ICU beds.

In late November, with the possibility of a second wave of covid-19 cases, the additional wing was reopened. “Today we have 13 isolation ICU beds and seven ICU beds for the other cases. What differed from the first wave is that the trauma cases were down a lot. Which is not happening this time. Trauma victims need to often in intensive care. This is overloading an already saturated health system, “explained the doctor.

The doctor stressed that the situation of covid-19 in the country is complex and that the challenge for public authorities is very great. “There is no ‘magic bullet’, like ‘stay home’ or ‘life goes on’. I am a physician assistant and manager, our role is to serve those in need. Public managers must balance this recommendation. I understand that it is not easy.” , he said.

“What the population has to do is take care of themselves, take care of others. That is going to happen, but we must understand that, at this time, hospital services must be available to the sick,” added the director.

Explosion in the networks

After hours of work on call and attending to cases that, according to the doctor, could be avoided, the director made an appeal through a video posted on social networks.

This morning, I spent all my time caring for a trauma patient, a motorcycle with alcohol. It’s not possible. Please understand this. If you drink and get on the bike, drink and get in the car, you are irresponsible. You are understanding? You have no empathy. You don’t know what empathy is. Do not do it. Now in the morning [24 de dezembro], more than six traumas, in the morning. At dawn, three traumas. All with alcohol and direction. All. And serious. Think a bit before you do shit. It is understood? We can’t take it anymore.
