Crivella probes parkings on the shore and functions of commerce in communities for seven days


RIO – O prefeito Marcelo Crivella Proibiu parkings on the banks of the river and on internal roads (from or Leme até or Pontal) for hair less than seven days, as of this February, as a way to reduce movement to the city. Only vehicles of residents will be authorized. Além disso, or município só vai will allow online lottery betting, also from terça. It is out of measure for the operation of commercial communities, except supermarkets and pharmacies, also in the same period. The operations will be coordinated with the Secretary of Public Order and the Military Police.

Propagation: Sem isolamento, Covid-19 has been backed by 93.5% of the cities in Rio and advances quickly to or from the interior

A decision was made after Crivella will meet as a committee of crisis after the evolution of confirmed cases on the rise in the last days. Not the last day 7 (fifth-feira), or total notifications of confirmed doença na capital chegou at 9,051 with 919 deaths. That quantity was only expected by professors from the UFRJ Institute of Mathematics for this season. Or the last bulletin published on Sunday no noite, or the total number of cases já atingira 10,520 with 1,126 deaths. Those projeções are updated weekly. At last update, feita na terça-feira passada, proposed that Rio could pay 15,007 cases accumulated on or day 19, second or Painel Rio Covid-19 gives prefeiture.

Covid-19:Hospitais de campanha do Rio têm só 20% das vague Abertas for patients

There will be further restrictions on the entry of cars and people to ship centers. It will only be authorized or access to pharmacies and markets. Entre os bairros com restrictições, estão Tijuca (na Praça Sans Peña – Zona Norte), Grajaú (surroundings of Praça Verdun – Zona Norte), Méier (Zona Norte), Madureira (Zona Norte), Cascadura (Zona Norte), Pavuna (Zona North), Santa Cruz (West Zone), Guaratiba (West Zone), Realengo (West Zone), Taquara (West Zone) and Freguesia (West Zone). In this way, the blocks will still be disclosed by the prefeiture.

– Nesse started more than May, we have seen an increase in the number of cases. Some acham that could have been by counting a holiday on May 1st. Uma das hipóteses é que as pessoas throw or holiday even to sair da quarentena e sem mask, or that can increase or cliff of contamination. It is out of the time that we are restricted that it lasted 47 days, it has been quite a while for the people to follow the restrictive measures. The people just exposed themselves more. Isso is quickly reflected in the curve – disse Crivellla.

The president of the Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (CET-Rio), Airton Aguiar, explains that they also have restrictions on delivery services for motorbikes, which deliver food or medicine, for example. And also delivery routes for these commercial items:

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– No case of residents of areas that are forem blocked, the devem carry a copy of the consumer account that serves as proof of residency, if required, a proof of blockades. They are also not prevented from parking their six-sided roads. Hoje, muito dwellers of Copacabana, for example, têm cadastro e identification card that allows free stopping of a lazy rotary of the Bairt – disse Airton, accentuating that it has not restricted access to blocked areas of mototaxis, applications and taxis. – São services provided for a população.

Concerning lottery, Crivella argues that there have been observed agglomerations of idosos. The situation intensified in the last days because the Mega-Sena contests have accumulated. The measurements are being taken after a weekend in which clearly there has been an increase in the number of people who are ruined. As restrictions that will be applied will be applied in the past week, we will be in Bangu and Campo Grande. As areas you trade in bairros terão os acessos controlled by grades, with control of the Municipal Guard.

Crise da saúde:Justiça obriga that state and prefeitura ativem in ten days all the leitos for Covid-19 in hospitais de campanha

Or prefeito vai limite mais adinda or functioning of bars, lanchonetes e restaurants. A purchase with a withdrawal of products (take-away) will only be allowed in case or this condition manages to remain as the dated portals. Or the drive-thru delivery will continue to be allowed:

– Or that we confirm that nesse take-away ends up tending to permanent weight, generating agglomerations, including with tables in calçada, the system that we had authorized take-away hair. Either take-away system will be allowed since the merchant sets up a scheme so that the portals of these establishments will remain dated — dissected or preferred.

The announced measure will be to reduce public works in seven days, keeping only the interventions considered essential or emergency. No case of private works, or prefez fez um appeals for the população to participate gives initiative as a way to reduce propagação do Covid-19.

– Repairs of roads, containment of coastlines, recovery of structures and works in hospitals to expand our capacity to be essential and will be maintained. Agora recovery of facades and outras intervenções serão suspensas – acrescentou or prefeito.

Witzel’s help and dúvidas on or lockdown

Restrictive measures in an attempt to try to find or increase two cases of coronavirus They will be disclosed in an extra edition of the Official Journal. Crivella disse que pediu o apoio do governador do Rio, Wilson Witzel, for fazer as intervenções em communities. Or I prefer ainda citou that dúvidas fears to apply or lockdown to conter or advance the doença and decrease the number of infected in the capital.

– Or that Spain got a lockdown or people got a kind of semi-lockdown, with a 70% reduction in traffic and not public transport. We achieved, sem lockdown, keep the pollution curve semelhante, but there was an increase in cases, internations and deaths. Hú dúvidas on or lockdown. There was a promised help of 500 thousand basic baskets that were not checked and that promised fights for the Union and the State. The recommended measures peels Fiocruz falam em protective measures – citou Crivella, before complementing:

– We did not strive to preserve lives in the first place, in a city with 6.5 milhões de pessoas, where many people said that they needed to assure that they were going for some money and that it was difficult for Covid. And the presidential decree, which decreed a state of public calamity, impeded the circulation of people, who feared or directed to go and vir. Those restrictions (com lockdowns) only seriam possíveis case houvesse decretação pela União de Estado de Defesa ou Estado de Síitio.

Block in communities

After that, I would like to inform you that the communities will be invited, or the secretary of the Public Order, Gutenberg Fonseca, said that a meeting in the afternoon of this term will define the participation of the PM, not the blockade scheme of the favelas. These restrictions will only be allowed for pharmacies and supermarkets to function. These congeneric establishments, such as açougues and mercearias, must remain dated. Rocinha, in Zona Sul, was a prioridade of no time.

– A prioridade will be to Rocinha. We do operations for it. More or continuous problem. In communities, people need support from Public Safety. All measures are taken in support of the scientific community – disse Fonseca.

Crivella acrescentou:

– These measures are only for communities to save two residents. And I depend a lot on PM because we do not keep our weapons unarmed and we have difficulty in accessing these areas.

Rumor ao Rio respirators

For his time, Guttemberg said that these blocking measures will also allow the government to attach that all equipment is installed both in Riocentro and in Ronaldo Gazolla Hospital (Acari), a reference for Covid cases. These equipment were purchased not last year, in tenders to renovate or the technology park of the Saúde network, before the first two cases of coronaviruses appeared in China.

Part two 300 respirators purchased from the prefecture and shipped to China and shipped this week to Rio Photo: Divulgação
Part two 300 respirators purchased from the prefecture and shipped to China and shipped this week to Rio Photo: Divulgação

These are other supplies that we bought fora shipped to China and Chegam this week to Rio. You must return to Rio or Terça ou Quarta Feira. Another 400 ainda will be shipped até or fim do mês. One of the respirators (20) and 40 monitors – also bought in China – chegaram in the sixth feita passada.

Crivella said that there were no doctors in sufficient quantity to open the 500 lawsuits projected by the Riocentro hospital, only that they were lazy for the completely unencumbered referral units of Riosaúde. Or I complement two groups of doctors who have been summoned for two weeks of professions that are held in other municipal hospitals. Hoje, the unit only operates with 80 lazy communes and 20 UTIs.

On this second day, or Official Journal, Ivo Remuszka Júnior published for the ex-undersecretary of management of the Municipal Secretary of Saúde for another post in the SMS commission, exonerated last week. Not before, Ivo was responsible for emergency purchases in the health area. To or Remuzka’s place was Diego Braga da Silva, a server who worked as a secretary Paulo Cesar Amendola – first secretary of the Public Ordem, and depois, na de Transportes.

Surprised by the exoneration, to the municipal secretary of Saúde, Ana Beatriz Busch pediu demissão. For this reason, the sofa tied two pieces of equipment bought in China.

– Or Ivo é a celetista server. People need to strengthen the structure of Rio Saúde (a company that is managing or managing several units in the network). Ainda was trying to convince Bia to sign. It is not for the position of secretary in any hospital address – disse or prefeito.

As stated by the prefeito foram given not in Riocentro, where does the Hospital de Campanha da prefeitura operate. Few before did you meet, representatives of the Union of the Vigilantes do Município, which are not local, they reported that the officials of a outsourced company that keeps the facilities of the hospital since or started works in April, is with payment of salaries and back benefits. The problem would also be repeated with outsourced security guards, not Rocha Faria Hospital (Campo Grande). Gutemberg said that the municipal secretary of Fazenda endorsed the situation.
