COVID-19: Kalil decides today on a new trade blockade; follow coverage – General


Kalil’s press interview scheduled for this Wednesday (12/30), 3:00 pm (photo: Edsio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)

The population in Belo Horizonte wait a meeting scheduled for the beginning of the afternoon of this Wednesday (12/30), between Mayor Alexandre Kalil (PSD) and the COVID-19 Coping Committee of the Municipal Executive During the meeting the operational scheme of the economic activities of the city in the next month will be defined. OR State of Minas All the details of the disclosure will follow live.

After the meeting, a press conference is scheduled at 3:00 pm with Kalil, at the town hall, to announce the coping of the pandemic in the capital in January.

Although the latest data published by the city on contagion and deaths related to the new coronavrus in Belo Horizonte, this Tuesday (12/29), indicate that the through this is left to me, to take care of ICU beds follow in red (read the full article here).


Retail is one of the industries that eagerly awaits capital management decisions to coping of the pandemic.

On the 16th, the Chamber of Merchants (CDL) reclaimed the extension of business hours. Two days later, entity was served in your claim for re-elected mayor the capital.

Now, the apprehension of traders is great with the prospect of a worsening of indicators related to contagion and deaths from COVID-19in January, aggravated by the Christmas season, as predicted by specialists in the health area.
