Civil Police Competition will open 1,514 positions of medium / technical and higher level; see positions


A Civil police of the State of Minas Gerais can open a new public notice competition public (PC MG 2020 Contest) soon. The head of the corporation, Wagner Pinto de Souza, confirmed that the new notice had already been delivered. So, now, it is being analyzed by the State Chamber of Budgets and Finance (Cofins).

The expectation is that the public notice will be published with the vacancies for administrative and police careers, including those that were also opened in the last competition, held in 2018. According to Wagner, the new application foresees vacancies for positions of delegate, administrative, investigator, forensic doctor, expert, analyst and auxiliary technician.

According to information from the consultancy, 1,514 vacancies were requested. The opportunities offered are divided between administrative and police careers, at the middle and higher levels. See:

Position area Career Jobs
policeman Delegate 201
Employee 317
Investigator 689
Medical examiner sixteen
Expert 51
Administrative Analyst 80
Technical 160

The information was given by Wagner during a hearing in the Legislative Assembly. At the meeting, the ALMG Public Safety Commission discussed the non-nomination of surpluses and the lack of competitions, despite the shortage of officials.

According to the head of the corporation, he is aware of the financial difficulties of the state, believing in the effort of Governor Romeu Zema to solve the problem.

The Civil Police Competition PC MG

All law enforcement careers require higher education.

Running for office Medical examiner, the candidate must have a university degree in Medicine. The starting salary for the position is R $ 8,874.60.

The race of Criminal Expert it also requires higher education. The starting salary is R $ 8,874.60.

Or charge of Civil Police Analyst requires higher education and, depending on the area, may require specialization. The salary is R $ 2,782.16. For careers, vacancies can be distributed among various areas, such as Accounting, Law, Statistics, Technology, Library Science, Ceremonial, Public Relations, Information, Communication, Management, Logistics, Engineering and Architecture, Education, Health and Psychosocial. .

For Secretary and Delegate earnings are R $ 4,098.39 and R $ 11,475.57, respectively.

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Or charge of technical Requires a complete high school or intermediate / technical level. The initial remuneration is R $ 1,530.18.

The deficit is greater than 40%

The Civil Police urgently needs the opening of a new public tender. The corporation has just over half the necessary staff. The legal forecast is that Minas Gerais will have 17,517 civil policemen. However, the State has only 9,902 civil servants, which reflects a deficit of 7,615 professionals, 43% of the workforce.

Last PC MG Contest Announced With 1,497 Openings

The last contest for the positions of doctor, expert, analyst and technician of the Civil Police-MG was published to fill 1,497 vacancies. The organizer of the event was FUMARC.

The vacancies were assigned to the positions of Forensic Doctor (121), Criminal Expert (95), Analyst (415) and Auxiliary Technician (866). The contest featured objective tests with 60 questions on Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Notions of Criminalistics, Notions of Legal Medicine, Notions of Accounting, Notions of Computer Science and Human Rights, depending on the position.

In addition to the test, the event had a psychological evaluation; biomedical and biophysical examinations; social investigation; and police training course. The event received 69,338 registrants, distributed as follows:

Technical: 28,458 enrolled;

Criminal Expert: 24,987 enrolled;

Analyst: 14,206 enrolled;

Medical examiner: 1,687 registered.

Contest information
  • Competition: Civil Police of Minas Gerais (PC-MG)
  • Organizer board: to define
  • Education: medium and high
  • Vacancy numbers: REQUESTED 1,514
  • Remuneration: up to R $ 11,475.57
  • Registration: to define
  • Registration fee: to define
  • Evidence: to define
  • Situation: PLANNED
  • Link to the last notice.