Chamber approves final version of the PEC of the new emergency aid


TO Chamber of Deputies approved the emergency PEC (Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution) in the early morning of Friday (12) in the second round, which authorizes the payment of up to R $ 44 billion in the new emergency help, in addition to containing measures to control public spending. The information is from UOL.

President Jair bolsonaro (no party) there is no need to endorse the proposal, which will be promulgated by the National Congress, in a session still without a date set by the President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG).

The final text was approved with two defeats for the government and the economic team. The first occurred on Wednesday (10), during the vote of the first round, when the parliamentarians removed from the text the section that ended with mandatory transfers of funds to specific funds, expenditures and agencies.

The other defeat, on the other hand, was in the second round, this Thursday, when the deputies withdrew extracts that hinder the progressions and career promotions of civil servants and public agents. As a result, all public servants continue to have the right to advance in their careers, increasing their salaries even in cases of fiscal emergency or public calamity.

According to UOL, the Minister of Economy, Paulo guedes, defended the measure to help in the recovery of public accounts. The professional progressions and promotions were maintained after pressure, such as that of the police class, which even threatened to separate from Bolsonaro if this happened. The civil servants’ unions also pressured the deputies to maintain the rules that guarantee the salary increase.

The new emergency aid must be R $ 250, paid in four installments, but it has not yet been defined.

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