Casa Branca turns focus of Covid-19 and worries officials


WASHINGTON – The government of American President Donald Trump is running to try to find an assortment of Covid-19 inside Casa Branca, and some of the more graduated officials accredit that Doença is quickly turning his back on open desks that we are dealing with in three different ways. West wing.

Analyze:As a defeated commander, Trump declares vitória na luta contra o vírus e volta para casa

Three senior members of the government who led the operation of the government against the coronavirus will initiate a self-isolation of two weeks, since you are members of a group of officials of Casa Branca – Katie Miller, spokesperson for vice-president Mike Pence, and two assistants pessoais do president Donald Trump – receive the news that your tests for a positive deram. More others than Tiveram contacted Miller and his assistant, normally working at Casa Branca.

– É asustador ir a o trabalho – affirmed Kevin Hassett, Two main economic advisers to the president, in an interview with the program “Face The Nation”, on CBS, this Sunday. Hassett said that he used a mask some of the time, but he acknowledged that “he would be safer sitting at home than going to the West Wing”.

Ele foi além.

– It’s a small and lottery place. É, as it is known, um pouco risked. But you need fazer isso because you are afraid to serve your country.

I uncovered two infected officials who took Casa Branca to open their procedures to combat or coronavirus, including daily tests for the most dangerous people, use of masks and the best monitoring of what is not complex.

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A concern about a supply of viruses in the Casa Branca – frequent tests and analysis of infections being feito to contêllo – resalta or challenge for Americans as soon as Trump can begin to return to six postos de trabalho, despite two alerts from specialists You are responsible for the public health that viruses continue to wreak havoc on communities in the country.

Furthermore, two restaurants, desks and lojas are not able to regularly test their officials and track and import all the contacts of someone who is infected. At Casa Branca, everyone is being tested hair less every week, and people who interagem as president are submissive to or exam daily.

– To meet as president you need to be negative – disse Hassett na CNN, this Sunday.

On the other hand, Trump ainda refuses to follow the conselhos do Doenças Control Center (CDC) to use a mask when meeting with groups of people. But a government official said that the president was shocked to know that his assistant, who is among the people who serve his food, was not wearing a mask. He still said he was uncomfortable to know that Miller was infected and he was getting irritated with people who said he was missing, dissected, or functionary.

Other two members of the government say that, therefore, there are no plans for Manter Trump and Pence separated by the fact that you two are incapacitated by Covid-19.

Iso regulations

A concern about the advancement of viruses in Casa Branca turned sideways, hair less temporarily, three more important members of the força-tarefa para o coronavírus: Robert Redfield, CDC Director; Stephen Hahn, Comissário da Agência de Drogas e Medicamentos (FDA, in English), or equivalent to Anvisa nos EUA; e Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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Redfield and Hahn will announce at the end of the week that they will enter the self-regulation of two weeks after they will enter into contact as a member of the team that is with Covid-19. You will participate in a meeting in the Situation Room last week when Katie Miller was present. Both will guarantee that they will still be working from home, and that Republican Senator Lamar Alexander will say that he will participate in a non-Senate hearing on Friday by video conference.

Fauci said that the debt started a “modified quarentena” depois de ter or that chamou of “contacto de baixo risco” as an infected official.

Stephen Miller, one of the two closest councilors to the president and husband of Katie Miller, will also not have to appear at Casa Branca for some time, next two people. Her test was negative on the sixth of February, so she had been diagnosed with Doença.

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For the most part, two tests in the West Wing are being used as equipment by two Abbott Laboratories, which detects presença do vírus in a few minutes. Other officials were submerged in traditional tests, which used long cotton swabs inserted not nose and took some hours to be processed.

Some memoranda years that work at Casa Branca encorajavam or “teletrabalho semper que for possível”. More some sectors foram além not end of the week, asking that less graduates of the printing press work from home, no matter if you show up or no symptoms. Na Ala Leste, officials who work as first-lady, Melania Trump, and as president in these cases, are wearing masks.

Some of the members of the government say that they are asking their subordinates to sign in each case remotely feeling they are members, something that goes against the traditional impulses of which work for the president, which he or she kept working for any custodian.

Members of the Secret Service who work at Casa Branca are wearing masks on a regular basis. E so people who entered not complex will be questioned, some symptoms will appear. Most people close to Trump, such as Kayleigh McEnany, secretary of the Casa Branca press, Mark Meadows, cabinet chief, and Hope Hicks, minister, are being tested daily.
