Butantan will anticipate the delivery of 54 ml of vaccine doses in 1 month, says Doria – 02/17/2021


The governor of São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), said today that the Butantan Institute will anticipate in a month the delivery of 54 million doses of CoronaVac to the Ministry of Health. The start of national distribution was scheduled for the end of September. But now the institution linked to the São Paulo government intends to deliver the last doses of the vaccine against covid-19 to the federal government at the end of August.

The 54 million doses are added to the 46 million doses that the portfolio headed by Minister Eduardo Pazuello had already contracted for the start of the national vaccination plan. The Ministry confirmed yesterday the purchase totaling 100 million doses of CoronaVac, anticipating a decision that could be taken by contract until the end of May.

“The government of São Paulo and Butantan will anticipate the delivery of 54 million doses to the Ministry of Health. Initially scheduled for September, these doses will be delivered at the end of August,” Doria said during a press conference on the pandemic, held today in the Palácio dos Bandeirantes, in the capital of São Paulo.

“Butantan works 24 hours, seven days [por semana], to produce vaccines that immunize Brazilians. I want to mention that nine out of ten Brazilians are being vaccinated with the Butantan vaccine. Now, thanks to the work of Butantan, we have been able to take the vaccines to the Ministry of Health in a month, “added the governor.

According to the director of Butantan, Dimas Covas, the institute will deliver, starting on the 23rd, to the Ministry of Health 426 thousand daily doses of the vaccine. “In 8 days we will reach 3.4 million. This is only the first installment, we continue and I hope not to stop. We will scale production and from April we will double it, because we will use a factory that is being used for the flu vaccine, ”he said.

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