Bolsonaro spoke of ‘flu’ to prevent panic in the country, justifies Guedes – 09/05/2020


Paulo Guedes, Minister of the Economy, came to the defense of Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) in a video conference organized by Itaú BBA this afternoon. Explaining the public protests about the resumption of the economy amid the growth of the new coronavirus in the country, Guedes referred to the positions of the president, who came to compare the pandemic with a “small control”.

“As the country’s leader, he didn’t want to scare the entire population either, saying, ‘Look, everyone stays home.’ Then he downplayed it. ‘No, wait, this is a stronger flu,'” he said.

Later, Guedes highlighted the need to worry about health and the economy.

“There has to be a balance between these two points of view. There is a group that speaks only of health. And the president is drawing attention from the side of the economy. We have to pay attention to both dimensions. If we leave medical care alone To destroy the vital signs of the Brazilian economy, we will not fly either. “

At another point in the videoconference, the minister spoke once again about the relationship between the pandemic and the economic crisis. “The Brazilian is in an organic fight against the virus. And the fight against the economic collapse will begin now,” he compared. “It is as President Bolsonaro said, we are going to save lives and preserve jobs.”

“The breath begins to run out,” says Guedes about the economy

Guedes also said that the economy is reacting well amid the pandemic. However, he made an alert saying that this situation could change if activities are not resumed within 30 to 50 days.

“Open roads, with products reaching people’s homes. Vital signs of preserving economic life are maintained. But breath is starting to run out,” he warned.

The minister again defended Bolsonaro’s position when speaking about the turbulent relationship with the press, which has worsened in recent days. Last Tuesday (5), the president even told journalists to be quiet when asked about the attacks by government supporters in demonstrations.

“The president has a simple rule of conduct. He respects those who respect him. And he returns the burden of disrespect he suffered.” [pela imprensa]. We will criticize, but constructively, “he argues.

Paulo Guedes also spoke about the actions of closure, radical isolation, that are beginning to be adopted in some cities of the country.
