BH: fake nurse suspected of saline vaccination is released from prison – General


PF Operation Box, began investigations on the 26th
(photo: Edesio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)

Justice granted, this Saturday (04/04), freedom provision to the false nurse who was detained by the Federal Police for carrying out an alleged vaccination against COVID-19 in a garage of a bus company in Belo Horizonte.

The decision was made by Judge Ngela Cato, of the Federal Regional Court (TRF-1). As a result, Cludia Mnica Pinheiro Torres de Freitas left the Belo Horizonte I Penitentiary (Estevo Pinto) this Saturday at 4:24 pm. The information was confirmed by the Secretary of State for Justice and Public Security (Sejusp).

The elderly caregiver has worked with the scheme in the city since the beginning of March, as you investigate of the Federal Police.

The woman, who was transferred to Penitenciria Estevo Pinto on Tuesday night (3/30), had the prison Temporary conversion into preventive.

Authorities found that the woman, who was actually a caregiver for the elderly, was also home.

According to investigations, one of the neighborhoods in which he made the most “calls” – in houses and apartments – was the upper-class Belvedere, in the Center-South of the capital of Minas Gerais.

“You residents I’m all not knowing what to do, ”says a businessman who attends the region.

Investigations carried out by the Federal Police found blisters of saline. The suspicion that this was what was being applied to the people who hired his services.

According to the PF, the false nurse, with the resources she obtained from apply from the “vaccine”, he was buying a car and a place.

Understand the case

According to Piau magazine, who reported the occurrence of a vaccination irregular against COVID-19 in the bus garage in a report published on March 24, the false nurse charged R $ 600 for two doses of what was guaranteed to be the vaccine.

The videos show a woman from Coat white among cars in a garage in Bairro Caiara, Regio Noroeste of Belo Horizonte.

According to the PF findings, the alleged vaccination at the site occurred on days 22 and 23. At least 80 people passed through the site. in those two nights.

The garage of a company that belongs to the Saritur group, according to information from an employee transmitted report not local.

Earlier this week, Saritur entrepreneurs Rmulo Lessa and Robson Lessa gave PF testimony and claimed to have bought what they believed to be immunizing irregularly shaped.

The legislation approved by the National Congress authorizes I import Vaccines, as long as they are transferred to the Unified Health System (SUS) during the period in which priority groups are immunized, such as the elderly and health workers.

PF initially worked with three lines of action. SUS vaccine diversion, immunizer smuggling or stroke.

This Monday (04/05), the son of the false nurse testified before the Federal Police. The PF’s suspicion that he is responsible for receipt payments, which were often made through PIX, which will facilitate investigations by authorities.

In addition to the purchase of property and a vehicle, another indication that the false nurse had been applying the blow more widely throughout the city that, before showing up at the company’s garage on Tuesday in Bairro Caiara, had already done so . last in two other locations.

The report has tried unsuccessfully to contact Saritur since last week, through the telephone provided by an employee of the group itself.

(With State Count)
