após 41 mortes e 5,766 afastamentos, profissionais de saúde lidam com riscos e la de testes


A family made up of profissionais de saúde sofre no Rio with the devastating effects of rapidly spreading doença. Or sickness technician Jorge Alexandre de Oliveira Andrade, who died on the last day of the 13th in decorida da covid-19, would complete 46 years ontem. Ainda in mourning, a family agora vê a history will repeat itself.

Uma das irmãs de Jorge, a nurse Catia Maria de Oliveira Andrade, 53, also part of the list of health professionals with aftastados do serviço. As non-corpo ers, the foi was stamped on the last sixth-February (17) for two weeks. Outras três pessoas na família que tiveram contato con Jorge também tiveram symptoms compatíveis com a covid-19.

Irmã boarding school with covid suspense

Or more serious case, or donut from house Luciane de Oliveira Andrade, 37, outra irmã do tecnico de enfermagem. Ela tem obesidade e hypertensão, we have many health problems, which are not the case for covid-19, not the Municipal Hospital Lourenço Jorge, since the last emergency in the west zone of Rio. And, since last week, Luciane presents the same symptoms, as tosse e dores no peito.

In the second one (20), she had to sign an internship at the UPA (Unidade de Pronto Atendimento) of Campo Grande, in the western area of ​​Rio de Janeiro, the foi transferred to a hospital in Volta Redonda (RJ), 130 km from the capital of Rio de Janeiro. Ainda family does not know that they have been infected with the same viruses that they have killed.

Ela is hospitalized longe da família e não fizeram o teste até agora. We do not have a suitable assistance for the health system. Or own state of deveria to seek as families two profissionais de saúde morreram [por causa da covid-19]. But no one procured us. We are feeling abandoned

Catia Maria de Oliveira Andrade, Jorge’s nurse and nurse
