After Record and SBT, RedeTV! cancels debate between São Paulo candidates TV News


Like SBT and Record, RedeTV! decided to cancel the electoral debate between the candidates of the City of São Paulo. After conducting pilot tests and recordings, simulating the presence of 11 candidates in the same study, the station understood that the risk would be high in times of a pandemic. The decision to cancel was announced on Wednesday night (7).

The meeting was scheduled for October 23 and would be mediated by Luís Ernesto Lacombe and Amanda Klein, who collaborate in the Opinion on Air program.

“Preliminary and pilot tests were carried out in search of alternatives to make the meeting viable, following the precautionary measures. For this, health and safety specialists were also consulted ”, explained RedeTV !, in a statement.

“Thus, the announcer concluded that it was not feasible to hold the meeting in the current pandemic scenario, given the high number of candidates, professionals linked to RedeTV! Campaigns and teams present in the study during the transmission ”, he justified.

Like the competitors, the station kept a date for the debate in the event of a second round, when there will only be two candidates in the dispute: November 24.

A Globo has not yet definitively canceled its event, but warned that it will only take place if the campaigns accept that only four candidates better positioned at the polls will participate of the debate. The measure meets resistance from political parties.

A Band organized a special operation, but held their reunion last week. In the study there were 11 candidates: Andrea Matarazzo (PSD), Arthur do Val (Patriota), Bruno Covas (PSDB), Celso Russomanno (Republicans), Filipe Sabará (Nuevo), Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Jilmar Tatto (PT), Joice Hasselmann (PSL), Márcio França (PSB), Marina Helou (Rede) and Orlando Silva (PCdoB).

Read the statement from RedeTV below! on canceling the debate:

“RedeTV! It informs that it has decided to cancel the electoral debate between the candidates of the City of São Paulo in the first round, scheduled for October 23, with the aim of preserving the health of all those involved and maintaining the health protocols recommended by the authorities “.

“Preliminary and pilot tests were carried out in search of alternatives to make the meeting viable, following the precautionary measures. For this, specialists in occupational health and safety were also consulted. Therefore, the station concluded that the meeting was not feasible. in the current pandemic scenario, considering the high number of candidates, professionals linked to campaigns and RedeTV! present in the studio during transmission ”.

“RedeTV! It will be dedicated to broad, plural and multiplatform electoral coverage, transmitted in real time through television and the station’s digital channels. The debate in the second round of the elections is confirmed for November 24” .

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