See tips to boost the immune system


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In times of new coronaviruses, it is important for people to maintain high immunity. With just a few changes in habits, you can increase your body’s immunity and become more resistant to health problems.

About the immune system

Also called the immune system, it is a set of organs, tissues and cells that defend the body against pathogens. That is to say: it fights viruses, bacteria and infectious agents, and therefore prevents the development of diseases.

It also has the function of promoting balance in our body from modulated responses of cells and molecules in response to the invader of the body. Therefore, it is essential for survival.

Tips to boost the immune system.

With some changes in daily habits, it is possible to leave your immunity strengthened and ready to face the challenges of everyday life.

1. Eat well

Healthy eating is the basis for preventing and treating various diseases, and this is not for nothing. Nutrients are responsible for making the whole body function properly, including the immune system.

Therefore, it is ideal to maintain a varied diet in fresh foods and avoid processed and industrialized products that, in addition to not providing benefits, stress the body and decrease immunity.

See what a healthy diet should contain:

Varied vegetables (fruits and vegetables), since they provide vitamins, minerals and fiber;

Carbohydrates: they give energy to the body and are present in breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, cassava, corn and others;

Proteins: they are raw material for the cells of our body, including those of the immune system. They are found in meat, eggs, milk, and dairy products and legumes, such as beans and soybeans;

Fats: They are essential for various bodily functions, such as the production of hormones and the regulation of body temperature. Those considered good are olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado (in addition to these fresh fruits), oilseeds, and others.

2. Practice physical activities regularly

Physical activities are good for the body in general: it helps control body weight, provides physical conditioning, improves cardiovascular capacity, among others.

However, did you know that it also stimulates the immune system? That same. Regular practice of physical activity is related to the increase in T lymphocyte cells that we already discussed in this publication.

Another mechanism to improve the immunity that exercise has is to reduce stress. Remember we explained that he is a villain of the immune system? Then, with less stress, your defense becomes stronger.

With so many modalities available, we are sure you will find one or more to practice. Remember though: to have the effect of boosting your immune system, the intensity must be moderate, okay?

3. Keep your vaccination card up to date

Can you imagine creating antibodies against some types of viruses and bacteria without even being sick? Well, this is how the vaccine works. It is only the agent itself, but under very low or inactive load. Therefore, the body itself develops defense cells against pathogens.

Vaccination is immunization against diseases that can have very serious consequences. Every year, campaigns launch vaccines to the population, especially for groups at risk, such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly.

Speaking of which, it is extremely important to vaccinate babies and children, since in this way they will develop the necessary antibodies and will be immune to typical diseases of this stage of life, such as measles, chicken pox, rubella and others.

Therefore, go to the nearest health center and check if your vaccination card is up to date and monitor the campaigns. Vaccination is responsible for the eradication of various diseases, for which each one does his part when vaccinated.

4. sleep well

It is during sleep that the body rests from routine activities and the body takes the opportunity to regenerate and regulate its functions. To keep the immune system always on alert, it is necessary to recover the energies you spend during the day.

Sleeping poorly or a few hours a night increases cortisol. Do you remember we talked about that and stress? Well, lack of sleep also disrupts this hormone, which in turn reduces the defense of the immune system.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a quality sleep of 7 to 9 hours per night. To do this, turn off the electronics, eat light meals at dusk, leave the room in the dark, and create a comfortable and cozy environment.

5. Stay away from stress

As we said, stress is one of the great villains of immunity. So if we want to strengthen our immune system, we need to get rid of this evil in the modern world.

There are several ways to reduce this condition, most of which are related to lifestyle. Healthier habits, less chance of developing stress.

Here are some tips on how to avoid it.

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet;

Sleep well;

Exercise regularly;

Having a hobby or other activity that gives you pleasure;

Reserve moments for family and friends;

Do not hold a grudge against anger;

Use meditation techniques daily;

Having an activity to relieve stress.

6. Give up bad habits.

As important as acquiring good habits in life is giving up on bad ones. After all, smoking and alcoholism are addictions that harm the body and even the social life of the person.

Smoking, for example, reduces the efficiency of macrophages, cells of the immune system. In other words, it also limits the body’s defense, in addition to generating various diseases, such as lung and mouth cancer.

Like cigarettes, alcohol negatively affects every cell in the body, including the immune system. In addition, it interferes with the components responsible for stimulating immune responses.

So if you have one or both addictions, the ideal is to seek professional help to stop them. We know that it can be difficult to give up bad habits at any moment, and that is why any help is welcome.

7. Sunbathing

The sun can be a great ally of the immune system. This is because, in addition to helping the body synthesize vitamin D, it energizes the body’s T cells, which are responsible for eliminating pathogens.

In this way, sunlight helps strengthen the body’s defense through two mechanisms. Therefore, it is important to receive it every day, even if it is for 15 minutes without sun protection.

However, you must be careful. That time is enough to receive the benefits of the sun. Prolonged exposure should only be done with sunscreen on both the filter and barriers such as caps, hats, and sunglasses.

8. Eat foods that stimulate the immune system.

Well, we have already explained the importance of a healthy diet for the body, especially for the immune system. Now, it’s time to talk about foods that give that extra defense to the body’s defense.

Fruits rich in vitamin C

Who has never heard that acerola is good for the flu because it has vitamin C? The truth is that vitamin C does not improve the disease, however, it strengthens the immune system, which in turn fights the virus more quickly.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means it fights premature aging of all cells in the body and the defense system. Therefore, consuming orange, lemon, cherry, strawberry and others rich in this substance helps to strengthen immunity.

Onion and garlic

In addition to being excellent spices, onions and garlic are excellent at fighting pathogens, as they help the body eliminate inflammation and infections. That same.

Garlic is a great bactericide, while onion is anti-inflammatory. That way, they give that extra strength when we need to face some illness. By the way, who never received a recipe for garlic tea for the flu?


Broccoli is a very popular vegetable in cooking and has many nutrients. The substances responsible for supporting the immune system are flavonoids, which are nothing more than antioxidants capable of preventing premature cellular aging.

Walnuts, sardines and salmon

What do these three foods have in common? Omega-3. This nutrient is an essential fatty acid that is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body and the immune system, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

In addition to these sources, other oilseeds and deep-sea and icy fish also contain omega-3s. If you cannot ingest the recommended amounts of this nutrient, consult your doctor or nutritionist for the possibility of supplementing.

Purple grape and red wine

Surely you have heard that a glass of red wine or a glass of red grape juice is good for the heart, right? However, keep in mind that not only heart cells benefit from these drinks.

Resveratrol, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, is responsible for protecting cells, not only those of the heart muscle, but also other parts of the body and the immune system. If you prefer to consume the fruit, 10 units per day is sufficient.

The immune system is the defense of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to have strengthened it to prevent diseases and have a faster recovery, in case you get any disease. With simple attitudes in daily life, such as healthy eating, physical activity, good sleep and others, it is possible to increase immunity and have more health and well-being.

With information from the Hippo Blog!
