The installation of a refrigerated container to store corpses at the Moinhos de Vento Hospital, the main private hospital in Porto Alegre, scared the relatives of the inmates with covid-19.
The hospital today had a moderate flow of people, with the arrival of emergencies. Days ago, according to employee reports, made on condition of anonymity, “the rush was great” at the establishment.
Administrative assistant Amanda Priebe brought her father back to investigate a possible covid-19 reinfection. Rene, 52, was waiting for the test result in the emergency room. Last year, he overcame his illness shortly after recovering from a stroke.
“His condition is a fever of 39 degrees, headache and shortness of breath. Here we are taking all possible care until now, but the situation is terrible and, of course, it worries,” says the daughter.
“Last year, he was hospitalized for only two days and did not need oxygen. My father recovered at home, thanks to the medication,” he says. It reinforces the importance of isolation and sanitary measures to avoid “even greater chaos.”
The length of hospital stay is one of the sensitive points of the new phase of the pandemic, report the first-line professionals.
Especially because Moinhos de Vento, like the entire public and private network in the capital, operates beyond its capacity.
Yesterday, there were 79 patients for 66 beds in operation, 72 of them, or 91.1%, were covid-19 cases.
Caregiver Melissa Moreira finished another shift around 10 am. “I am the caregiver of a man who spent 60 days in the ICU. He’s been in the room for 15 days. The condition requires attention from the age group, which is older than 75 years. physiotherapy, is fed by platform and does not have an immediate discharge forecast “.
Currently, he says he has seen many young people infected. Official data indicate that people under the age of 60 correspond to 35% of hospitalized patients.
Sinelza Valle’s stand, 53, is located in front of the Moinhos de Vento Hospital and has high circulation. But she reports that the movement has subsided. However, their biggest concern is the uncertain date of vaccination.
“We hear many cases, every day someone talks about sick, dying people. Yesterday that container information scared us. We have to wait for the vaccines to arrive. It is lingering, who knows, at the end of the year. “, he says. His age is still far from the group of more than 80 years, currently included in vaccination in the capital.
“Squeeze to drive”
The UPAs (Emergency Care Units) and other decentralized health units are also saturated.
The situation is chaotic. Santa Casa converted many non-covid beds [para a doença]But it has not hired enough staff for the current high demand. Even with the transfer of nursing technicians from the operating room to care for patients in wards and ICUs, we are struggling to get ahead.
Professional who works in Santa Casa and asked not to reveal his name
It also says that residents were assigned to covid wards for lack of doctors.
Yesterday Santa Casa had 193 hospitalized patients, at the limit of what he can handle. “On Sunday, if someone came in who needed a respirator, they would not have it, since the last ones had been used,” he says, about the situation experienced in a hospital in the municipality of Alvorada (RS).