Volunteer campaign to help health units in Manaus (AM) – 01/15/2021 – Daily


Faced with the oxygen shortage caused by a new peak in Covid-19 cases in Manaus (AM), a group of young volunteers met in the city to help local health units.

Through contact with doctors and nurses, they learned that several products are missing in patient care: masks, gloves, aprons and geriatric diapers.

Then, the mobilization with the residents began to obtain resources, buy supplies and deliver them to health facilities.

However, two days later, the health system in Amazonas collapsed due to the large number of hospitalizations of patients with Covid-19, causing an oxygen demand almost three times higher than what providers can deliver.

In this scenario, the donation campaign, which was supposed to be local, gained national dimension after being shared by artists such as Tatá Werneck, Tom Cavalcante and Fábio Porchat.

“Are we going to help? Manaus cries out for help. People without oxygen in crowded hospitals. Any help saves lives right now,” Tatá asked when announcing the mobilization.

The young people are between 25 and 30 years old and already work in social causes in Manaus. They are part of ten organizations that are together in the campaign that gained repercussion on the internet due to the chaos in the health of Amazonas.

“We work with voluntary actions to help homeless people, children and families in need,” says Italo Malveira, from Projeto Somar. And we decided to unite and do something for the health of Manaus ”.

The group raised R $ 300 thousand until Thursday night (14). The initial goal was to obtain R $ 30 thousand. This Friday (15), the volunteers intend to buy the missing products in the health units and begin to deliver them to doctors, nurses and relatives of patients.

They also organized to buy oxygen from other states and even negotiated solidarity freight with airlines. However, in this case the transport depends on bureaucracies as authorization from the Anac (National Civil Aviation Agency).

“And we are just a group of young volunteers,” Italo recalls.

The capital of Amazonas faces a scenario of queues at hospitals, an increase in neglected deaths and a record of burials in a single day.

The situation led the state government to publish a decree on Thursday night that prohibits the performance of Enem due to the calamity caused by the advance of the coronavirus pandemic.

To find out how to donate to Manaus volunteers, see the image below:
