The state government released the new Covid-19 transmission risk map, which will come into effect from next Monday (04). According to the classification, eight cities of Espírito Santo will be at high risk, that is, they will have more restrictions: Alfredo Chaves, Colatina, Governor Lindenberg, Guarapari, Linhares, Marilândia, São Mateus and Venda Nova do Imigrante. Among these restrictions is the prohibition of the operation of bars.
According to the map, 54 municipalities will be at moderate risk and 16 at low risk. Compared to this week’s map, Colatina, Marilândia and Venda Nova do Imigrante will enter the red classification. They will leave the high risk for the moderate Água Doce de Norte, Mantenimientoópolis and Irupi.
To classify cities, the government considers factors such as the ICU occupancy rate, the coefficient of active cases per municipality in the last 28 days, in addition to the number of tests carried out per group of 1,000 inhabitants and the moving average of deaths in the last 28 days. 14 days.
The Risk Map, according to the government, follows the guidelines of the epidemiological bulletins of the Ministry of Health and recommendations of the team of specialists of the Covid-19 Command and Control Center (CCC) in Espírito Santo, which is made up of the Military Corps of Firefighters, Civil Defense, State Health Secretariat (Sesa), Jones dos Santos Neves Institute (IJSN), Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) and Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes). The decisions taken follow technical parameters.
HIGH RISK: Alfredo Chaves, Colatina, Governor Lindenberg, Guarapari, Linhares, Marilândia, São Mateus and Venda Nova do Imigrante
MODERATE RISK: Afonso Cláudio, Água Doce do Norte, Águia Branca, Anchieta, Anchieta, Aracruz, Atílio Vivacqua, Baixo Guandu, Barra de São Francisco, Bom Jesus do Norte, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Cariacica, Conceição da Barra, Divino de São Lourenço, Domingos Martins , Dores do Rio Preto, Ecoporanga, Guaçuí, Ibatiba, Ibiraçu, Ibitirama, Iconha, Irupi, Itaguaçu, Itarana, Iúna, Jaguaré, Jerônimo Monteiro, João Neiva, Laranja da Terra, Manteópolis, Marataízes, Marechal Floriano, Mimoso do Sul, Mountain , Mucurici, Muniz Freire, Nova Venécia, Pancas, Pinheiros, Piúma, Ponto Belo, Rio Bananal, Santa Teresa, São Domingos do Norte, São Gabriel da Palha, São José do Calçado, São Roque do Canaã, Serra, Sooretama, Vargem Alta , Viana, Vila Valério, Vila Velha and Vitória.
LOW RISK: Alegre, Alto Rio Novo, Apiacá, Boa Esperança, Brejetuba, Castelo, Conceição do Castelo, Fundão, Itapemirim, Muqui, Pedro Canário, Presidente Kennedy, Rio Novo do Sul, Santa Leopoldina, Santa Maria de Jetibá and Vila Pavão.
With that, the State counts a total of 5,093 deaths caused by the disease and 249,271 infected people. The municipality of Vila Velha, with 34,006 records, maintains the highest number of infected inhabitants since the start of the pandemic.
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